Saturday 4 October 2008

Congratulations to Ambermoggie

Congratulations to Ambermoggie for being featured on Simply Knitting for her blog going pink to draw attention to Breast Cancer awareness. Click on the underlined page title to see the article and her accolade.

The link to her blog is on the right hand side in my links.

Well done Amber. Anyone who reads her blogs knows of her dedication to knitting for charity - especially her legendary sock knitting for the hospice.

I have almost finished fringing the granny square shawl which is part of my contribution to the raffle for Breast Cancer Awareness month and I will post photos tomorrow.

Most of the holly tree has now gone to the tip courtesy of my son and I have advertised the logs on Freecycle for anyone with a log burning stove.

The weather today is abysmal and I am freezing so the heating has gone on. I have to keep my fingers warm enough to crochet!


  1. Just come back from a week in Spain and have been catching up with your blog. I really like the wool that you bought in Bury Market. Wish that I could get bargains like that where I live. Good luck with all the sewing in of ends, I also hate doing that, but it is worth it in the end as it looks lovely.


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