Thursday 19 June 2008

Didn't we have a wonderful time the day we went to Morecambe

Yesterday Vicky came and picked me up (well not literally or she would have needed a fork lift truck!) and took me to meet Ambermoggie and Mr Mog. Vicky battled through horrendous battering rain to drive us there. I would have given up at the first junction! When we got there the rain had stopped and the sun was bravely trying to shine. It is so lovely to meet up with blog friends and have a good old natter and find you have so much in common. We later went for a lovely stroll along the sea front, saw the statue of Eric Morecambe (I am sure Vicky will post photos of him on her blog as I forgot my camera) and then nipped into Costa Coffee for a snack and a huge mug of mocha coffee. Such a lovely day out. Check out Ambermoggies's blog (link on the RHS) for more about our day out. Mr Mog drove all along the sea front to give me a recap as it had been many years since I had last visited it. I was amazed to find that a much loved Italian Ice cream parlour is still there and I believe still sells Knickerbocker glories and banana splits that I remember so well. If I ever make it back to Morecambe I must be sure to pay that a visit purely to see if they taste as good as they used to.

I had taken some mohair for Amber to craft into one of her lovely shawls and she made me a present of one of her shawls for me to wear whilst I am recovering. Needless to say I must have started recovering already cos I wore it all evening whilst watching TV! I got to choose one of her lovely elementals and I chose one with gorgeous aubergine and pink hair. When I got home I noticed that the charm on the front was of a naked lady closely resembling my over generous figure so I did chose an appropriate one for me. I hadn't notice that until I got home. I really must start wearing my glasses more although I only really need them for close things.

I had made Amber a short n sweet shrug but was a little worried in case it was a bit jazzy for her. When she had seen mine on an earlier blog post she said she would like to one day make one in purples or rainbow so I took her at her word and as I had no purples when I started the shrug I used rainbow. I do hope that she liked the colours.

The car journey gave me a chance to work some more on the purple Sweet Pea shawl and I have finished the main body of it now. Just the edging to do now. I worked a bit more on my squares for my shawl last night so that is taking shape bit by bit.

The last photo speaks for itself. I went to the Leisure Centre for arthritics water aerobics with 2 socks and somewhere along the line I finished up with only one. I searched around the lockers and my cubicle without success. I rang them when I got home to check if anyone had found it later and had handed it in but they told me to ask next week as it might be still in the ladies changing room. My first hand knit casualty. I always imagined having a mishap with one by accidentally putting it in the washing machine but never imagined I would lose one. I hope that I get it back - unless there is a one legged woman somewhere who took a fancy to my sock!

Off to walk Buster now. He is sulking a little as I left him yesterday for a few hours and then went out again this morning. His limp has improved so I think it was either a bit of a muscle strain or a touch of arthritis.


  1. We did have a great time and Jan had picked the perfect colours for me to wear. Have had it on today to visit friends and they were quite envious. Jan has to come back anyway, she is going to be making sandcastles she promised Mr mog:))

  2. So glad you have had such a nice day. I hope to meet you one day as well.


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