Friday 20 June 2008

Car journey Sweet Pea

When I was in the car (as a passenger) on the way to and from Morecambe I got quite a lot of crocheting done on this purple Sweet Pea shawl. It is from the Stitch n Bitch the Happy Hooker book but I do a sort of frilled edging instead of the fringing as illustrated in the book. This one took 250 grams Patons Fab double knit and crocheted up quite quickly. I have made quite a few of this pattern and apart from a quick check at the pattern when I first start I can almost crochet it from memory now. I finished it of last night and sewed the tails in this morning.

I have also done a small amount of work on the new crochet square shawl but the 2nd pair of knitted socks for my niece have not had a row knitted on them for days so they should be my next alternate project. I like to have one knit and one crochet on the go and alternate to give my wrists and fingers a change of movement.

I am planning my next crochet project and have to decide which one of Doris's Amazing Lace designs to start next. Her designs are quite thick in what she describes as "exploded lace" and whilst I can understand what she means and why she has done it anything too thick is not to my taste so I will be doing some jiggery pokery to adapt her designs to be more "me".

I am really tempted to go back to the market stall in Bury market to get some more of the lovely yarn I got last week before he sells it all out. He tends to have job lots so if you miss it and go a couple of weeks later then there is none left. There were a couple of colours in the £5.99 Silky Look packs that I really liked. He is only there on Fridays and Saturdays so if I get up early tomorrow I might risk an outing.

When I came back from the Leisure centre I double checked everywhere to see if I had accidentally left my other sock at home and not packed it in the rucksack. Last night I noticed that somethings under the sewing machine table had slipped down and bent to tidy them up. What was there? My other sock!!! How on earth did it get there? I had not gone anywhere near this table whilst I was packing my bag.

I once went with a friend to see a woman who was Spiritualist and whilst I am not totally convinced I will go along to with people to different religious gatherings, tarot card readers, fortune tellers etc as I have a curiosity about all things in life. I never pay or go personally but will accompany other people. This lady told me that I had a mischievous boy who was my unborn son living in my house who liked to re-arrange things to tease me. There was no way she could have known about my 4 miscarriages so I just thought she had made a lucky guess. I thought no more about it but over the years I have misplaced things and have them re-appear in plain view a couple of days later. So I will put this down to a mischievous imp or wonder if a sock can play hide and seek. I am pleased to have a pair of socks once again.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found your run-away sock. How it got there, who knows? Maybe it is a naughty little boy that hid it from you. I look forward to seeing what you buy from the market stall and wish I lived near enough to go there with you, as I think I would be tempted to have a good spend on stash.


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