Tuesday 1 April 2008

Tired but still not finished painting yet - tomorrow is another day

The photos are of the waistcoat and granny square hat that I made from my stash oddments for Anna. The pattern is from Candy Babies - cute crochet for wee ones - by Candi Jensen and the pattern is called pastel parfait. I made them a couple of weeks ago but am only just posting the photos on here.

Today my friend Caroline came (with son Michael) and started painting my lounge. I had been up early walking the dog and emptying out the lounge as best as I could so by the time she arrived my energy levels were slowing. I managed to help her find the dust sheets from the loft and varnish the window frame. After I had walked to the village for a tin of white emulsion paint and made a spot of lunch I was of little help to her after that. I felt very guilty at how little I could do but I have learned that when the pain tells me to stop then I have to. Caroline soldiered on alone bravely but in the end she was so tired that she gave up as well. She insisted on washing the dinner dishes (I had managed to make a Chicken Tonight casserole and rice) and the kitchen floor before going home. She insists she will come back tomorrow as the ceiling is still unpainted but I will be very surprised to see her as I think today was enough for her. The house is still in a complete mess but I am just going to bed and leaving it. I will put the things back in the lounge tomorrow.

I hate to say this but now that it is painted it is very bland. Cream, beige and white blandness. Not my taste or personality at all. I am hoping that I can liven it up with some colour in some new cushion covers and throws. Caroline has seem some bargain priced ones in Primark so will look out for some for me. I want something lively. I have dark green curtains and a green patterned carpet so maybe something in the burnt orange or russet shades will give it an extra zizz.

Tomorrow I hope to clean all the little windows in my two doors and put a coat of varnish on the doors. I am not re-painting my gloss paintwork in the lounge this time around as it is only a quick freshen up before my op and not a major decoration so I am not sanding down the doors etc. My ex husband would be horrified at my shoddy workmanship but when the body can't do the things that the mind plans then I just do the best job that I can.

Hopefully by next year I will be raring to go to give my house the standard of decorating that it should have. For now - this will have to do.

Cathrine - thanks for you kind comments and although I am not from Bolton I have many friends who live there and will be able to answer any queries your husband has about his relatives home town and whether places he has been told about are still the same etc. My mother used to donkey stone her step in a half circle and also the window bottom although I don't think many people still continue with this tradition in this day and age, My friend did say that a very old fashioned ironmongers near her home in Farnworth still sells the donkey stones,

No crochet or knit today and probably none tomorrow. I will catch up when I can. For now I am off to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Your crochet is beautiful. I really liked your baby clothes and then wow! another lovely outfit today. The colours are lovely too. Good luck with your decorating today.


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