Wednesday 2 April 2008

Does anyone have Kim and Aggie's phone number?

This was the site that I went to bed with and guess what? It was still here when I drew the curtains back this morning. The tidy up fairies forgot to call at my house overnight!

In case you wonder - no I don't normally look quite this messy. This is the stuff from the lounge that was hastily thrown anywhere I could find a space to dump it yesterday.

I am off to walk the dog, have breakfast and then see if I can manage to paint the ceiling with the aid of my new gizmo that I bought from Betterware. A paint roller with an extendable handle that I have to put the paint inside and it's supposed to be non drip. If I look like a dalmation dog later I shall let you know and you can give this gizmo a miss when the catalogue pops through your door.

After the paint job then it's time to try to make a start on this mess and find it's appropriate place back in the units in the lounge. The knitting machine does stay in this room. I haven't quite got to the stage where it is in the middle of the lounge yet. But there's still time for it one day !!

Definitely NO time for knitting or crochet today. My friend Caroline said she would be back but if she has any sense she will have headed for the hills whilst there was still time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet

    There are two things I forgot to mention in my last 'comment'; I hope this time it only appears once!

    1) I take flax oil pills rather than do the HRT. I have taken them for about 10 years and have not had any problems, especially hot and cold; I also use ground flax seed (from the bulk food store) in all my baking;

    2) If you Google "crochet crop cardigan" you will find Monica Brown's pattern for a really quick (even for a laggard like me) sweater. It is very like those you have done for your nieces - which are beautiful - and I think you/they might find it interesting.

    TTFN, Cathrine


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