Thursday 24 April 2008

Some people suit hats - some don't

Now you have seen the photos you can tell I am one of the ones who doesn't! I did try wearing it on top of my head like a giant mushroom slouched but it looked too silly for words. I only hope that Nikki suits the hat better than I do. She could always pass it on to a Rastafarian to keep his locks tidy if she doesn't.
It is supposed to be a slouch beret and my tension is spot on to the pattern but it looks huge to me. I do hope that Nikki likes it and it looks OK when she wears it. This is what it is supposed to look like.

It doesn't look half as big on the model but then it is probably modified to fit her. I once watched a knitwear pattern photo shoot and they used masses of paper clips, clothes pegs and safety pins to get the fit right on the models so it's no wonder we don't look the same in ours.
I once reduced a woman to hysterics in British Home Stores whilst trying to find a hat for a wedding. She was crossing her legs she was laughing that much. She apologised to me and said I am so sorry you weren't thinking of buying any of those hats were you. I said no. She said oh thank God cos none of them suited you, you looked so funny.

Every year I make about 6 hats and never really like any of them. The nearest one this year was Foliage cap from Knitty. com. I think that would have suited me if I had read the pattern right. There are 2 versions in different thicknesses of wool and I accidentally knitted the finer version in the thicker wool so it falls over my eyes now. The pattern stitch is lovely though so I will try another one and get it right this time

The weather has been very fluky today. I pegged out all the washing on the line and set off in sunshine to walk the dog. I had only been out for five minutes when the heavens opened and it not only rained - it hail stoned on me and I got very wet as I was only dressed in a fleece without a hood.
I am not sure what I will be working on tonight. I have the Tiger socks still on the needles and also a pair of purple thicker ones that need an unravel before I can carry on with those. I went wrong whilst chatting too much at the last Knit Out!


  1. Well Jan, I think it looks just like the pattern picture, but don't worry because I would not look good in that hat either. I am not a "hat person" and never wear them except at my daughters' weddings.

  2. Hurray! You did it! You made this link to the hat perfectly! ... and I'm sure we will all appreciate your new computer skills... I'm not a hat wearer either, I always end up looking like a refuge with little curls sticking out around the edges of the hat. It gets cold here in New England, so I really need something, so I usually just snuggle down into my scarf, like a turtle. Give Buster a hug!


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