Wednesday 23 April 2008

The designer likes my work!

I was so surprised and honoured when Lavonne3ca commented on Ravelry about my versions of her Short n Sweet shrug from the book Stitch n Bitch - The Happy Hooker. Wow. The actual designer likes my work ! I wonder if it was all of my photos of various shrugs that gave her a clue that I liked hers?
She said
Hmm - I get the idea that you like the pattern - nice job

and when I thanked her she said

Its crocheters like you that make my design popular my friend! I like to hear when someone likes my designs enough to make more than one. Keep on hookin’
I will come back down to earth sometime later. I am so glad that my humble efforts with the pattern reached her eyes and met with her approval, I shall follow her blog with interest from now on. She has an amazing multi coloured shawl on her blog this week and when I asked she said the pattern was from another design and she adapted it and used it for a shawl. Sounds like a lady after my own heart. I do that all the time!
I still haven't finished the second pair of soakers. I spent too long soaking in the bath to ease my aches and pains from lawn mowing and hedge trimming yesterday. I am so glad that I did it though as today it is raining once again.
Vicky has got my set of needles from Knit Pics and my other sock wool. Yippee. I am so looking forward to seeing them on Sunday at the next Knit Out so expect lots of photos later. I think I have said before that I am a complete numb skull when it comes to ordering things on the net. One day technology will reach me. One day I will find out how to organize this blog the way it should be with proper links and photos that don't turn out in a row like little ducks!
For now I shall just bask in my five minutes of glory from Ravelry. I would like to add more projects to my Ravelry but as every photos comes through Flickr and that site tells me I can only have 200 photos on it at one time unless I buy a pro setting (which is in dollars so numb skull can't work that bit out). If I delete anything from Flickr it disappears from Ravelry so I just can't win.


  1. Well done you:))
    They do look stunning Jan. If I knew how to follow a pattern I'd make on in rainbows or purples:))

  2. I like your work too! They look really good no wonder the designer liked them.

  3. I love the white one at the top, it's a really good fit.

  4. Whoa, you REALLY like that pattern! lol All of them look gorgeous. :-)
    Flickr is inexpensive for us sweetie! Just half the price, and that's close to what we pay in pounds. It's not accurate to the penny, but it gives you an idea, if it costs $10, then it's £5 for us.


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