Friday 4 April 2008

I should be hooking again tonight

My lounge is now back to normal. Caroline arrived with the new throws and 4 new cushions courtesy of the sale in Primark. The cream cushion covers are in the washer ready to be added later. She got a real bargain for me 3 throws and 4 cushions for £18. Bit of colour on a budget. The throws protect the cushions from the dog and attempt to jazz up the otherwise tatty suite. As you can see from the last photo Buster isn't all that impressed that I moved the sofa from the bay window. He has lost his vantage point from which he can survey his territory (the street) He now has to squash himself onto the chair.
I scratch cover polished and teak oiled my mum's units and washed and polished her golden wedding crystal and silver decanter and wine glasses. When I look around my lounge it is my mother's lounge moved into mine. I suppose it shows how similar our tastes were. I still love the units and wish I had room enough to have all three of them in one room on one wall as she did ( I have another matching unit in my dining room) The ship's bell on the wall is a hangover from my marriage. My ex husband loved all things nautical as can be seen from all the polished woodwork on the wall. He turned the lounge into a ship's cabin with brass clock, barometer and nautical pictures. I have never got around to removing all the wood, I also have one wall and ceiling in the dining room similarly clad. If I ever sell the house I have better hope a ship's captain comes to view it!
Hopefully tonight I can pick up my hooks once again and finish off Kath's cardigan. I was too tired and in pain to do any last night but today is a different day and the pain level is back to normal thank goodness. It has taken me all day to return all the bric a brac back into the lounge. It's a 5 minute burst and then a 10 minute sit down but I get there in the end.
The dining room isn't yet back to normal but I have the weekend to clean it and get it back into shape. Kim and Aggie didn't do any surprise swoops so the neighbours can't have noticed the mess!
I will photograph some lovely stitch markers that Vicky made for me tomorrow. I lost the box momentarily in the clutter but rediscovered them again this afternoon.
Easy tea tonight. I had bought a ready cooked chicken and washed salad yesterday for Caroline and myself so Buster and I will finish off the rest tonight. This should leave plenty time for crocheting and TV tonight.


  1. looking good Jan:)Everyone will have to take shoes off if they come visit:)
    Hope you feel better?

  2. It all looks nice and cosy now and I can see the dog absolutely loves it. Waiting to see what you crochet next.

  3. It's a shame that when you ring that ship's bell a hunky toy boy doesn't come to do your biding. Life's not fair is it?

  4. Your place looks great! I kinda like the wood panelled walls. Less paint touch-ups! :-)


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