Sunday 6 April 2008

Guess what I will be doing today

You guessed it. I have to turn the pile of crochet pieces into Kath's cardigan this afternoon. Then I have to return to her sister's jumper. Their birthday presents will be a little late this year but the decorating got in the way. Crochet I can do, knitting I can do but blocking and finishing off is what lets me down. I am not the best stitcher upper in the world so wish me luck.
Last week I gave Vicky a scrumpled up lump of crocheted mohair shawl and a couple of balls of wool as a sort of half finished pressie, She blocked it, fringed it and turned it into a work of art. Please take a look at her blog - Vicky's blog you will see the end result. I really must learn how to link things on here! Another thing I am total rubbish at. I looked at the shawl in total amazement when I saw the photos. I could not believe how she had blocked and fringed it and made my crocheting look so good. If I had done it, it would still have resembled a lump of crochet with a scraggy fringe. If you don't believe me look back a few posts at my photos. I was sorry that I had not made Perran one then they could have skipped off down the lane together. There is still time but I only have bright fuchsia pink mohair left and I know Perran is not a lover of pink.
I found the lovely stitch markers that Vicky made for me. Guess what my favourite colour is? Yes purple how did you guess - they even came in a box to match. I had carefully stashed them away when I moved the things from the lounge and forgot where I carefully stashed them. Yesterday I found them again - whew. There are just a few other things that I carefully stashed and haven't found as yet but I am sure they will turn up soon.
I found an added bonus whilst tidying. My mother's stash of wool sewing up needles and with a quick rub with a bit of emery paper they came up as good as new. One day I will get around to using the emery paper on the needles from the knitting machine and then it will be all systems a go on that as well. I brought the machine down from the loft, put it together and have never touched it since. It is an ornamental feature of the dining room at the moment.
The sun is shining. Time for a wield of the sewing up needle whilst it is still daylight and before Buster needs his second walk of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with all the stitching! I'm not very good with that kind of thing either. :-)
    That shawl looks beautiful, great job! I had myself a little laugh, because I also have a habit of putting things away for safe keeping, and then fogetting where I put them. My family members always tease me about it. lol

    My blog address has been changed to by the way. I have my internet back on and am making lots of changes! :-)


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