Sunday 13 January 2008

My PC is working normally again

The lads who live across the road from me came across this morning to see if they could solve my PC problems and lo and behold they did. It turns out that it was the Yahoo Toolbar that was the thing causing all of my problems. They un-installed everything on my PC one by one and re-installed them one by one. From that it was found to be the Yahoo Toolbar and once that was un-installed the PC was up and running OK again. I sort of knew it was nothing major but just didn't know where to start solving the puzzle. My Norton Anti Virus is back on again, up and running with no problems so all is well in my world.

I finished off Emily's hat in record time. It is barely smaller than Kacey's but seemed to knit up far faster even though there was only an 8 stitch width and half inch length difference. One photo shows both hats and the other shows the 5 of the 7 hats I have made since Christmas

I was yearning for a bit of crochet. I have knitted far too many things lately one after the other and as a crocheter at heart I was having withdrawal symptoms. I started a multi coloured hat for one of the babies but was unhappy with my colour choices so ripped that back. I have started another crochet jacket with the brown flecked super chunky from Lidl left over from my niece's Christmas present jacket. My friend Caroline is super slim but I think this time I will have to make the jacket without the big collar as I have slightly less wool this time. The collar, as per pattern, is rather huge and I doubt if anyone could put a coat over it anyway. Caroline would never fit her slim jacket over it if she wanted to wear it for work. Caroline is useful for using up stash where the colour is wrong for the babies but not enough wool for my size. 200 grams makes her a short sleeved crochet top or bolero. She never showed much interest in my work, thought knit and crochet was old fashioned, until I made her a few jackets and tops. Now she is a convert always hinting about what she would like next.

I am off to walk the dog now. He has recovered from his sickness. He suffers from colitis and although I monitor his food (he is allergic to anything containing beef) my son said this happens from time to time. Maybe some beef slips into a tin or maybe fungus from a stick in the wood Ian said it is just something that happens to him every now and again and not to worry.

I am so relieved that my PC troubles have been sorted, I can start to get used to this machine now. I was so scared of making things worse that I haven't really been using it since I got it.

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