Tuesday 15 January 2008

Learning Curve, small ducts and marital bliss

I had a visit from my dear friend Vicky today and was overjoyed to receive a present of a camera. I am coming to grips with it. It is far far easier than my other camera but I am still learning which button does which thing. I never was much good at technology. I think I have cracked it now although once I had uploaded the photos to the pc I found they were too big to use on e mails etc. A quick phone call to my son (he was in a good mood thankfully) and a "how to" walk through and the problem was solved. I had never used Windows Photo Gallery before as my old pc used a different programme to edit and change images. Buster was my model but he was very reluctant and kept turning his head away, refused to smile for the birdie. This photo is the best one I managed to take.

I went to the hospital today for my saliva duct X ray and even though I had rung yesterday to explain the problem that they had with me last time, the technician could not find my saliva duct to put the cannula in so they could inject the dye. I did warn her yesterday that they would need the size of cannula they use on premature babies. I now have to go back tomorrow when the specialist is available and he will try with the aid of a camera to find the duct. My duct is pretty sore with the poking and prodding it has had today and we won't even mention the horrible lemon mouthwash they used 3 times! Well at least I know that one thing on my body is tiny even if it is only my saliva ducts. A bonus for a fat lass! Having something smaller than normal!

No knitting or crochet done today so far but I did manage to knit the front of Kath's ribbed sweater past the raglan armhole shaping last night so hopefully it will be finished tonight.

Lots of people I know are experiencing marital or relationship difficulties lately. Every time a friend phones me it's with some domestic problem or another. Maybe it's the time of year who knows. Lack of money after Christmas causes a lot of strain. They do say January is the number one month for starting a divorce. Perhaps it's just as well that my Mr Right is still in hiding somewhere. I was chatting to Vicky today and saying that my choice of men has never been good and I always seem to pick the takers in life, so it's probably all for the good that he remains elusive. I can honestly say that I have never had one boyfriend (or my husband) who treated me well. Sad admission to make at the age of 62. Friend's say I try to hard to please and they end up walking all over me. I just think I treat them in the way I would like to get treated (but never do)

I hold my parent's marriage up as a yardstick. Maybe they weren't really always as happy as they appeared but if that was the case they hid it very well. They eloped because they married across religion, a thing Catholics frowned on in the 1930's, and my parental grandparents never spoke to them for 2 yrs because my father did not marry in a Catholic Church but they melted when my brother was born. My mother just seemed to crumple and lose interest after my father's death and followed him within a couple of years. She missed him so much. I used to get phone calls when she used to cry and say how can I live without him, I miss him so much. Hard phone calls for me also as I was a daddy's girl and I missed him and still miss him so much even after all this time has passed. They not only were married to each other for almost 60yrs they worked together every day for about 30 yrs in the wool shop.

1 comment:

  1. I hope all goes well at the hospital today. Fingers crossed.
    The photo of Buster looks great. There'll be no stopping you now... look out David Bailey!
    My Dad died suddenly just after their 50th anniversary. Mum never recovered from the shock and lived for barely a year. She, like your Mum died of a broken heart. It is a very sad but also amazing thing to love someone that much.


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