Monday 3 December 2007

Quite an eventful day

Today has been a busy one. Darren called to help me with my E bay account and started fiddling with my PC and trying to clear up a lot of the rubbish that has accumulated on it over the years. In the end he decided that I really needed a new tower as this one has badly damaged sectors due to a virus I got when I was a really rooky PC user years ago and didn't know anything about virus protection etc. Today he put a lot of my photos and patterns that I wanted to keep onto discs for me ready to be transferred (or kept on discs) when I get the new tower later in the week. It's all very exciting. Vicky - when this is done I will be able to view your blog without a five minute wait every time I want to view a photo! I should be moving with the speed of light by the end of the week ( fingers crossed).

I should be ready to try and put things on my E bay account properly once my PC is running faster. It will be like learning everything all over again. Being able to look at web sites without going to make a coffee whilst my PC decides to open the site! I just hope I don't get even more addicted to reading blogs. I have to work out how to save everything I have book marked in my favourites. Perhaps I can copy the http addresses to my Microsoft Word so at least I can find everything again. I would hate to lose the bits and pieces I have accumulated over the years. My favourite blogs and web pages.

I managed to get down to Lidl later this afternoon. My local store is very small and only gets small amounts of anything that is on offer. I had seen the advert that they were having some super chunky and had just the crochet pattern in mind for it. There wasn't a lot of colour choice (there was also cream and a palish blue) and I came away with 2 colours in fleck. Brown base and black base. I had to do a lot of rummaging to get 2 packs of each colour with the same dye lot. I have started the crochet but as the pattern only comes in one size (34"- 36") in the book (Fabulous Flirty Crochet by Katherine Lee) this one will have to be for my slim niece. Once I have made one I can hopefully adapt it by putting more repeats of the pattern to make it the width my other niece and myself would require. I am not making the collar as large though as I think it rather dominates the cardigan.

Today I received a letter from my grammar school best friend and bridesmaid. We lost touch for many years, as she moved away when she married, but have revived our friendship through letters and occasional phone calls. She and her husband have now retired to Anglesey. I haven't seen her for so many years. Last time she wrote she sent me a photo and she looks exactly as her mother did when we were growing up.
My back is a little better today but I still only risked one short dog walk. Buster isn't very happy with me but my back is glad of the rest and I think Buster's leg is responding to less walking over the last 2 days. His limp is far less noticeable today.


  1. So glad to hear that you're getting more than just a PC spring clean. We'll make a cyber whizz of you soon!
    That yarn looks good. Lidl can be so surprising.

    Keep resting that back. Buster sounds like he'll be better for it too.

  2. Sory you have a bad back, oh dear I don't feel too good today but cheered up when I read your blog. I think I could do with a tidy up on my comp. too. Hope you like the doll I have finished today for my nativity , it's on todays blog. Good luck , kind regards Rose


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