Wednesday 5 December 2007

Knitted birthday suit

Today I went into my loft to find some buttons for my almost completed crochet cardigan for my slim niece. It is a good job she is so slim as although I crochet on the loose side it has turned out extremely small. I am using super chunky so the original wool the pattern had used must have been as thick as rug yarn! I will photograph it tomorrow. It has only taken one pack of yarn but I will have to work in some contrast yarn on the other pack to make anything more normal sized for my other niece or myself. I don't feel like going to Lidl again in the rain to see if they have another pack left. They wouldn't have had the same dye lot anyway as there were only 2 packs of any colour in the same dye lot.

Anyway I digress. Whilst up in the loft I decided to rummage through the patterns up there ( as if I don't have enough patterns downstairs!) and found this birthday card that I got sent to me many years ago. The friend who sent it to me also worked in my shop and I was devastated to lose her to breast cancer at the age of 36. She had lost her husband to what I presume is now called MRSA suddenly the year before and they left 2 teenage girls. It was so terribly sad.

I remember her most for her wicked sense of humour as you can see from the card. The instructions say it comes in 2 sizes - Twiggy and Dolly Parton. I can forward the instructions if you have 10 (small?)balls of 3ply and wish to make it anytime! I love the making up instructions. Embroider nipples and navel in chain stitch. Work pubic region in loopstitch with mohair yarn. Brush up for fluffy effect. Wax bikini line as required!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! it's good to find things that bring memories flooding back.
    I wonder what the instructions for making the male version would be like!!!


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