Sunday 9 December 2007

Knit and crochet until I drop day

Well that was what I planned and it is now almost lunch time and not a stitch knitted. I will pick up something after I have finished this and washed the dishes - honest I will. I have now finished the back of Caroline's aran due to some hard knitting last night. I am on the sleeves but they will have to be short ones as even though Caroline is such a wee thing my wool will run out long before I get the sleeves finished. I am knitting both at the same time to eliminate having to unrip one when the second one turns out shorter! Lucky for me she usually wears short sleeved cardigans. Whew!

Next on the hook will be my niece's long cardigan (thankfully crocheted) but that will be after I have finished off the scarf to match the Kilim cap (half done). After that I only have a couple of hats, wrist warmers and a small scarf to do ( Is that all! Wow easy peasy she jokes!) plus any spare time left over I have some Bunny slippers to make. I still have to shop for my son and his wife's present, (I don't think somehow he would like bunny slippers) something for my ex hubby and the great grand children. Surprisingly enough I am more organised this year than I usually am. I am normally the mad Christmas Eve shopper who buys the first thing I see that looks remotely suitable!

I should get the Christmas tree down from the loft but that will use up a day's crafting so maybe I will leave that until I have more crocheting under my belt. At least this year I know where it is since I had the loft re- lagged and boarded. In years past it has been a dark brush with danger balancing on the beams trying to remember which dark dirty corner I put the tree and trimmings in the year before. With my dodgy balance I always had visions of crashing through the boards and finishing up in one of the bedrooms. Now I have a light and safe footing so it should technically be a lot easier. I have been up into the loft a few times for buttons and patterns since I had the work done so it was well worth the money spent. Now if only I could only get my garage roof and doors done I could organise that as well ! My family won't know me soon. I will be too tidy. Hah - as if !!!

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