Monday 10 December 2007

Caroline's aran cardigan - finished

I have finished off Caroline's aran cardigan. As I was working from a 400 gram of aran and could not get another ball it finished up as a long short sleeved cardigan. I am pleased with the result though as otherwise the ball would only have finished up as yet another hat and scarf set.

I did crochet and knit a lot yesterday and even though the tv was uninspiring. I am not a lover of the Royal Variety Performance so I finished up watching Ray Mears in the rain forest with Ewan McGregor instead. Now I know how to put up my hammock in the jungle! I don't know what I would do without my Discovery channels as terrestial TV is so bland these days. The only thing worth watching is Loose Women and 60 minute makeover although if someone gave me vinyl or laminate floors and a leather suite I would scream. I like my warmth and scruffiness with a carpet and dog hairy throws! I doubt if I could live in a showhouse type of environment for more than an hour without messing it all up. They don't cater for us crafty types who have projects spilling out all over in every room. Someone once said tidiness shows a lack of creativity and I use that as my mantra. It means I can justify being very messy as having a creative mind!

My craft/messy corner is home to a three quarters finished scarf to match the Kilim cap (ends stitched in as I go) and a quarter of a mohair openwork crochet scarf for my sister in law. I will probably start my London niece's crochet cardigan today and get the pattern set whilst it is still daylight. I like to do my cursing in the daylight. It is from the Fabulous Flirty Crochet book so no doubt the air will be blue as I try to work out the rows as they will inevitably be wrong somewhere. If the book gets one pattern right I will say a loud hurrah tomorrow!

I am off to walk the dog as he is sulking on the sofa because I had my breakfast first. He does sulk to a fine art, hasn't even eaten his breakfast. I have dared to vary his routine. I should know it's walk first and then breakfast. He will stop sulking once I rattle the lead though. I need to nip to the shops for a crust of bread and a few necessities later. Whew - another busy day.

1 comment:

  1. Back in the olden days when I was a teacher, I had my desk taken off me by the head teacher. She just couldn't cope with seeing it untidily piled high! I was too busy being creative with the children to worry what my desk was like but she didn't see that. She loved my creative side though and even got me to choose fabric for all sorts of places round the school. It had to be co-ordinated though. She even scrapped the children's decorations off the Christmas tree because they didn't match!


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