Wednesday 26 December 2007

Completely technophobic

I have decided that I am not cut out for modern technology. It all passes me by. For Christmas my lovely family all clubbed together to get me a new pc which is wonderful news and I am over the moon as my old pc was just about ready for the knackers yard. I feel like Hyacinth Bucket as I have a slim line screen ( not a slim line white telephone!)

However, technology has not moved on a pace it has moved on a massive leap since my last pc and I have a lot of gizmo I shall probably never get to grips with but have lost a lot of things which I would have loved to keep. My Outlook Express e mail hasn't brought the archives across with it so whilst I can still read my treasured e mails on the old pc they are not on the new. Ian says I should be able to link my printer (once it has some ink) to the old pc and at least print them out but some of them had some photos I would have liked to keep. I just hadn't thought fully all the implications of having my pc changed over otherwise I could have saved the photos to folders. I have also lost all the treasured archived conversations I had on Yahoo messenger but I am hoping that they are still stored on the old Yahoo on the old pc so if I can find some way of connecting the old pc to the net then I can recover them at least onto a disk. Hereby lies another tale that will hopefully resolve itself when I buy a copy of Microsoft Word as the disks I have with stored data on won't be able to be read on this pc. It all looks so easy when the experts do it. Let's hope this pc outlives me this time
Kath's boyfriend was an absolute star. He struggled a lot transferring a lot of stuff for me and was here for hours and hours connecting my to the net and shifting stuff about. I bet he will never want to see in the inside of my house for a very long time. I would never have manged it all on my own. I would have had a new pc but still in it's box for a long time. I envy people who can just do things like that. I can type and navigate my way around blogs and web sites and that is the most of my knowledge. The younger generation grow up with them so they don't hold the same white knuckle terror that they do to me.
Hopefully I will get to grips with locating my photos from whichever folder they finished up in and maybe post something on here before the end of the week. My web cam isn't compatible with this pc so that's another shortcut I can't use any more.
No knitting or crochet today as I just haven't had the time. Tomorrow I am off to the PC store for the Microsoft programmes I am missing from this pc and perhaps a new set of speakers as these ones look awfully tatty now I have a new pc.

1 comment:

  1. I know this is another piece of new technology but a memory stick might be very useful to transfer some of your special e-mails. Meanwhile enjoy your new computer


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