Thursday 27 December 2007

Bewitched, bothered and bewildered

I am still on the white knuckle ride with my new PC. I am a little bit more confident today. I guess it will take a while for me to find everything and get used to where things are on it. I went today to PC World in all the rain and surprisingly they let me in even though I was clad in extremely wet waterproofs, big hiking boots and a green hat (see photo) knitted wrongly from a pattern that was sliding over my eyes in a good imitation of Victoria Wood's huge beret in the sketch on TV where she is asking "Have you seen my friend Kimberley she is very very tall" I caught sight of myself at one stage and shocked myself so I am surprised I got a lovely young assistant manager coming to my aid and helping me to choose from the bewildering array of about 20 different web cams one that was compatible with my new PC. He probably thought I was on a day trip out from the home for the bewildered.

All I have to do now is to figure out how to put the web cam and the other hardware ( or should that be software?) that I bought at the same time.

My poor dog's routine is all awry. The last 3 days his timetable has been altered and he is an unhappy bunny. He likes the routine of morning walk, food, sleep then afternoon walk again, followed by more sleep, food, more sleep and then bed.

I have barely put hook or needle to wool these last 2 days. Today I went to my local wool shop in Bury to get some lilac yarn to replace Kacey's hat that got blown away in the wind and found out it is CLOSING DOWN due to redevelopment. The assistant said they are looking for new premises but to be honest the rents in any new property will probably be too high for them as it is only a small shop and I doubt the turn over profit would stretch to a larger rent. I managed to buy some lovely textured bubbly variegated chunky to make a couple of hats for the girls. It was buy one get one free so at £2,49 a ball I will get the 2 hats under a fiver. Photo will follow when I get the web cam sorted out.

I also got a bargain in Thorntons chocolate shop. A box of Christmas milk chocolate covered fudge,raisins and toffi-chocs for £1.49 instead of £2.99. Naughty I know but it is Christmas. I had put on weight before Christmas and weighed myself today and to my surprise had lost the weight again. I must be one of the few people to lose weight over Christmas. Mind you if I eat the whole box tonight then it will all be back again by tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you will have to put your new computer to even more use and order even more yarn online.

    Enjoy the chocolates. I am a chocoholic but I've eaten so many at work I haven't even started them at home!!


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