Saturday 28 December 2013

Sorry that I neglect my Blog

I have been bad at keeping up with my blog. By the time I have added videos onto You Tube, Twittered, Google + and Facebooked I feel that I have nothing left to say anymore.

This is my latest video on You Tube telling about my Christmas gifts to me and mine to other people. I do hope that you will subscribe to me on You Tube and then you won't miss anything that I make.

 My Christmas Video on You Tube

I am also on Facebook

My other page where I post my crochet photos is

I am also on Etsy

On Twitter I am Jan Carruthers2

I hope that you will join me on any of these sites as I cannot promise to keep my blog updated.

I hope that you all had a great Christmas and Happy New Year to you.

Jan xx

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