Saturday 4 August 2012

Fait Main Special Crochet Magazine

I fell in love with this magazine when I saw the one that my friend Sue had brought back from her holiday to France a few weeks ago. As  it is a French magazine no-one in the UK stocked it so I had to search online for it. I was trying to find a stockist in France so that maybe the postage would have been less but all I could find was a company with the lovely name of Irene and Mr Sheep  who are based in Canada. I managed to order it but it cost me $28 with the postage.

Those of you who follow me know that when my heart is set on something to do with crochet then I will pay anything within reason to get what I want.

I have put it in a video as there are so many designs to take photos of. I didn't want to appear on the video as although today I was able to wash my hair, for the first time since my operation to remove a hopefully benign lump from my right ear, I still have stitches in and swelling and my right ear sticks out a bit like a cab door. I do hope that this is a temporary look. Stitches come out on Wednesday.

Anyhow enough about me. The video also has glimpses of my furry Grandson Buster who is here for a few days so not much crochet will get done until he goes home again on Sunday.

I am going to grab my crochet and try to get some done in the garden. Buster is easy to look after when the weather is nice as all he wants to do is sit in the garden with bursts of energy when we play catch with his ball. His friend Poppy nips through the hedge to say hello but as neither of them are young and sprightly any more they are more like a doggy Darby and Joan couple.

I do hope that you like the designs. I am going to be brushing up on my very rusty schoolgirl French and trying to understand the diagrams. I would like to make so many of these before the Summer ends (if it ever arrives).

Happy Crocheting


  1. Thanks for a peek into this great crochet magazine! And also for the link to "Irene and Mr. Sheep." What a great site!


  2. What a great magazine, there's so many lovely things in it. S x


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