Thursday, 12 July 2012

Yarns From Abakhan

As you know I use various places to buy my yarn from. Today I want to show you the yarns that I got from Abakhan  As you know from my post a couple of months ago I accepted a challenge from Abakhan turn £15 worth of my choice of yarn into anything that I wanted. I have been very lax and didn't manage to make the June challenge as I was finishing off crochet dresses, bags and jackets for my friend's holiday. I will have to make June's challenge into my July challenge instead. If you missed my last challenge for Abakhan then just browse hack in the blog a couple of months.

Thanks to all my followers. I am so glad that I am not chatting to myself and that you seem to be enjoying my rambling little chats. Your comments are so lovely. Here is today's chat.

This is a close up of the gorgeously soft James C Brett Cotton On  that I am going to use for my July project. It comes in many colours as you can see if you click on the highlighted link above which will take you to the relelvant page. .

This is a close up of the yarn that my friend Sue (aka the Enabler) bought from the Abakhan store in Bolton. I got a phone call a couple of months ago saying that she was in Abakhan and they had these bargain packs of 500 grams in various colours and did I want to share the packs with her. I may not get out much but I still can spend money Ha ha!

Abakhan may not have these bargain packs now but they always have some great Sale offers if you look on their web page or are lucky enough to have a store local to where you live in the UK.  If they don't have the colours that you want in the Sale then they do have very reasonable priced acrylic DK similar to these shades.

I added a couple of colours that I had in stash. As you can see I am very influenced by Attic 24 in the colours that I am using.

I do hope that this tea cosy doesn't prove to be a seller. Pretty as it is I am not a knitter these days and this pattern is driving me nuts with all the threading at the back of the colours. Give me a crochet hook any day.

My bargain bamboo hooks from China. I am not faithful to any one kind of hook. I choose the ones that run the smoothest with whichever yarn I am using. Some days the metal hooks work better, some the acrylic hooks, and some the bamboo. I have lots of hooks but I need them as I tend to lose them a lot. I can lose a hook without ever leaving the house! The same fairy that took my cushion patterns and hid them also hides my crochet hooks. Sewing up needles also vanish without trace.

Some things turn up again eventually but I get so sick of wasting valuable crochet time searching for a lost hook that now I always have supplies of every size in stash.

Thank you to all of my new viewers. When I started this blog a few years ago I did it for myself as an online account of what I was doing or making on a certain day. I never really imagined that other people would actually read it. I love reading crochet blogs. I have lots of favourites and can spend literally hours catching up on peoples news and projects. I get lost for hours on You Tube.

One new friend that I have met through the videos and Facebook is Haylees hats who has You tube videos as Fresh off the hook Haylees hats   I love the You Tube videos of Fresh off the Hook family and the Cast Off Crew but such a lot of the members are from the US and mention yarns that we can't get in the UK so it's nice to watch someone from the UK and see which yarns they use.

I must settle down to an afternoon and evening of crochet otherwise I will have nothing relating to this fair finished in time for Saturday. I have plenty of other stuff to take but I wanted something more household for this one.

Thanks for watching. By the way the red crochet top that I am wearing on the video is a bought one from years ago. I was food shopping in Asda (Walmart) and saw it and just fell in love with it. At the time I was in a crochet slump so there was no way at that time I could have attempted anything similar.

Have a great crochet day X


  1. I love watching your videos. I haven't gotten the nerve to do it yet. happy crocheting.

  2. Hi Jan, I love the cushion cover so far. The colours are lovely and so is your top! Love the colour. Those are very big cushions , you will be glad to get the in between size. The bamboo hooks look great, let me know how you get on with them. I am forever losing my crochet hooks too. I usually find them down the cracks of the sofa lol. I love the cotton on yarn it looks like the american version of 'I love this cotton" I will have to treat myself to some soon. Maybe try and crochet some tea cosys instead. I have found that the woolcraft brand of dk is quite thick maybe that would make the cosys bigger knitted up. Thank you for mentioning me, you are so sweet, what a lovely thing to do. Thank you so much. I am so happy to have found you. I love your posts and ramblings and looking at your photos and watching your videos. Looking forward to seeing what you create next. Much love Haylee x


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