Saturday 20 August 2011

My Etsy Store is Finally Open

It has been a long time in the making but finally my Etsy store is open from today. So far there are only a few items on there as I didn't realize how long it takes to photograph things and list them on the site. It's a day's work just going that! I hope that the weather is fine and sunny tomorrow as I have so many more things to photograph.  These are just a few.

I hope that my prices aren't too high and that people who don't crochet realize just how many hours and how much work goes into making these tiny outfits. I am so afraid of making things too expensive and yet if I worked it out how long it takes to make    one thing then I would probably be earning about 10p and hour for my crochet!  Urban Gypsy Crochet is the name of my site. The lovely heading is courtesy of my friend Rachael from Artyarn.

One for the older babies. A multi coloured jacket.

I seem to be in a groove with my crochet flowers. I do think that they pretty up an otherwise basic cardigan so much.

Things are still arriving from EBay. I think that I will be taking a second mortgage out on my house soon to pay my credit card bill. I have enough stuff to last me for years if I crochet non stop! I will be forced into getting my knitting machine out soon with all of these cones. I just wish that I could get in the mood for it. I am just in a real crocheting frame of mind at the moment. Not interested in knitting whether hand or machine. I have phases like this and I find that it's best not to force it. I will get back to it one day.

Back to the crochet. Before that I think that it is time to find something for my dinner. The Farmers Market is coming to town tomorrow morning so at least I should have something really nice for my dinner tomorrow plus some gorgeous French bread. I just hope that I get up early enough as the bread sells out so fast.


  1. You have some beautiful things. Best wishes for a sell-out at your store!

  2. Congrats on opening your Etsy store!! Trust your instinct on your prices - you can always change them later if you find it's not working for you. Your stuff looks great.

  3. Nice job with the pics and description of the items. I am anxious to see more. And, no, your prices are not too high. I think you have done an excellent job on pricing!

  4. I agree... I am also happy to see that when I bring it up it shows the prices in US dollar amounts, makes it easier for people in the US to buy from you... Greatest of luck with your store...

  5. Hi .. I've just stumbled across your blog and must say how much I've enjoyed going back over some of your earlier posts. That blue and white ripple baby cardigan is absolutely beautiful (wish I had that pattern) and I love your pink white and mauve shell cardi that you designed - I admire anyone who can write patterns. Anyway, I'm going to add you to the list of blogs I read on the side of my blog so I won't miss any of your future posts. Glad to 'meet' you. Cheers xoxoxox (from Australia)

  6. Wishing you lots of good luck with your Etsy shop. You have some beautiful items for sale.

  7. Congratulations Jan on a wonderful selection of beautiful garments.
    It is a credit to you. The very best of luck.


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