Thursday 28 July 2011

Not More Storage?

My niece came today to take me on a promised trip to Dunhelm. It is one of those places that sell bedding, towels but more importantly sewing accessories. It is so hard to buy a bobbin of sewing thread anywhere near me. My niece wanted to look at the prices of bedding for future reference. I bought my thread,some baby ribbon and some elastic and also small crochet hook as my smallest one had been dropped out of my case at some stage. I use a tiny hook to make small flowers for embellishment on my baby outfits.

The grey storage unit is still empty but knowing me it won't be long before it is filled. I also bought 3 more of those small button storage boxes. Today I had been sorting through the ribbon stock that I had left over from my shop and so these rolls if ribbon  are now residing in the red storage unit.

The top drawer of the red unit now houses this tangle of embroidery thread which I must sort out into an more orderly pile one day.

You have heard me mention my lodger cat Lily. Her owners are having an extension built on their house which isn't pleasing Lily much so I am seeing more of her than usual. For once she let me take her photo, Just look at those claws that she uses to scratch my carpet and rocking chair with.

She is a very loving little cat. She wants attention all the time when she is in the house. If I don't stroke her then she finds something to rub up against like my wicker waste paper baskets. Despite being so dainty she managed to knock loads of things down whilst she is visiting.

She is like a much smaller version of my late cat Nelson. He wasn't neutered for a long time so maybe she is one of his great grand daughters.

This is one of the outfits that I have finished for my store. I just noticed when I saw this photo that I have buttoned it through the wrong hole making one front look longer than the other. Good job this isn't the photo that I will be using for my store.

This is the reason why I wanted a very small hook. These flowers are a little big for the jacket. They really need to be a  bit daintier. I have finished the 3 piece cream boy's set but I will show you that another day. I still have a few finished sets that only need ribbon and buttons attaching. I am bad at finishing things off as I mentioned before. As soon as I have finished crocheting I put them on one side and start something new. As I am almost ready to set up my online store I need to finish them off now.

Today has been hot but the muggy kind of heat that makes you all sweaty straight after taking a shower. Now it is going darker it is looking like rain so I had better bring the washing in from the line. I do like it when the weather is hot enough to dry clothes outside.

Tonight I will be starting another baby outfit. I have tons of ideas in my head but I might make something that I have a pattern for. I will decide later but for now I am going to rescue my washing before the rain arrives.


  1. Oh Jan, that is just precious. Someone will be very happy to purchase it, I'm sure.

  2. Very lovely! The kitty too. We have a marmalade named Samson.


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