Friday 1 July 2011

I Lost A Morning

I have been sleeping very spasmodic of late. Going to bed and tossing and turning for hours or giving up on the sleep and getting back up again to make a milky drink. This, of course, means that I cat nap (against my will) during the day and evening. I have lost count of how many endings that I have missed after watching 90% of the programme. I have never been a good sleeper. Five or six hours sleep is what I call a good night's sleep.

However this morning I switched off the alarm, fell asleep again and woke up again just after 11am. Although I do feel slightly more refreshed than usual this afternoon I was like a zombie with a headache when I woke up. I am not used to lie ins. I cannot sleep for hours unless I am ill. I have this attitude that time spent sleeping is time wasted. It's my Mother's fault. She was always so busy that she makes me look positively idle in comparison. I was never allowed to lie in bed. I had to be up and if I wasn't doing my homework or reading something educational then I had to be occupied with knitting, sewing, crochet or housework. Even now I feel positively lazy if I just sit somewhere without my hands doing something, I can feel my late Mother's eyes watching me and know that she is tutting at me.  Even though I obviously needed the sleep this morning I am still annoyed at myself for wasting a whole morning!

Despite doing nothing craft wise today I did manage to finish off the Baby It's Cold Outside coat (or my version of it) last night. I used some cream brushed Patons Diana that I had in stash from a long time ago. I add more stitches to the sleeves as the pattern as it stand has more of a three quarter sleeve. I then added a shell border with some peach DK cotton and added some crocheted flowers. I made a little hat to match. I have fallen in love with this little coat and will make more like this in the future. I do love adapting patterns to suit my taste.

I think that the hat is maybe a bit large for the size of the jacket. My baby hats are a bit hit and miss as I never use a pattern. They either seem a bit on the small side or on the larger side I don't write down anything so even if one turns out the right size then I can't remember what I have done. I have even bought an exercise book to jot down my patterns but as yet there is nothing written in it.

I added little vintage pearl shirt buttons to the centre of each flower. The buttons came from my Mum's sewing box. I found them when I was sorting out my buttons. They are made of the old fashioned type of pearl which has that creamy look instead of white. the bow is cream although it does look rather white on the photo. The stems of the flowers are just about the limit of my embroidery skills these days. The jacket is for the new foster baby girl. I always think that these babies deserve something pretty after their poor start in life. I have no idea what this poor mite's circumstances are but there must be something amiss for her to finish up in the foster system straight after birth. At least with Sylvia they get well looked after and cared for as a baby deserves to be.

I am so pleased with the way that this jacket has turned out that I am going to try my own version, in a finer yarn, for my online store. This time I will write down what I am doing and try to make the hat the exact size of the jacket and write that down as well!

This afternoon I managed to peg  some washing on the line and do some food shopping for the weekend. I try not to shop on Saturdays or Sundays as my scooter does get in the way when the stores are crowded.  I arrived at Marks and Spencer just in time to see the ambulance people wheeling an old lady out on a stretcher. She must have had a fall as one shoe was on top of her blanket and she had a large piece of gauze taped to her chin. She looked cheerful enough on the way to the ambulance so hopefully it was nothing too serious. I have never had so many offers of help from the staff whilst I was shopping. Usually I struggle to reach things on the higher shelves. Perhaps they didn't want another fall on their records.

I have a lovely tea. I had some fish and a ready made salad which went down very well with a fresh bagel. Marks and Spencer food may be on the pricey side but it sure does taste good. I like to treat myself now and then.

Thankfully I have reached a point where I have most things that I need, yarn wise, button wise and trimming wise, for my baby things once this last yarn order arrives. Now perhaps I can concentrate on paying off what I have spent. I have got all the patterns that I need so it will just be a case of buying more yarn once this recent stash is used up.

Tonight I hope to resume some crochet. Hopefully after my long sleep I should stay awake whilst watching the TV this evening.


  1. The sweater is very pretty--so dainty and girlie. :)

  2. Such a pretty little jacket, the flower really sets it off. You must have needed the extra sleep and Ihope it has made you feel good today.

  3. Very Pretty!

    I hope you can get your sleep pattern back to normal! It's no fun when you can't sleep properly.

  4. Oh, love the little sweater, so cute. I've been working on hats lately, too, trying to perfect them. Thinking of buying Robin chachula's workshop for them.

  5. I love the cardigan. What wool did you use. I noticed it calls for homespun which we cant get in the uk. I want to make this and was thinking of using two strands of dk or think that an arran baby wool may work?

  6. I usually make them in a soft chunky knit or an aran. The pattern is so flexible that it is easy to alter the size by adding on a few extra stitches. This one was made using some vintage brushed chunky that I had in stash,


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