Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Fingers Crossed For A Girl

I am still busy crocheting baby things. These two jackets are not for my store. The blue jacket is for my neighbour's sister's baby boy due in July. The yarn is James C Brett Marble Baby DK. The pattern is a  bit of a mix. It started off as one pattern and true to form it evolved into another as I didn't like crocheting the stitch that was on the pattern.

I started the pink random bolero a while ago but never finished it off. The yarn appears to be one of those pearlized yarns but as it had no label I cannot say for sure what it is. I finished it off as my friend Sylvia has heard that there maybe another foster baby on it's way to her and the rumour is that it is a little girl. Fingers crossed. Last time she was told that it was a girl she got a boy as per usual. Any way I finished off the bolero just in case. The trouble with foster babies is I never know what size they will be until they arrive. Sometimes they are very tiny and sometimes full term.

My little black cat visitor is acting like she lives here now. This morning because I was in the front room I didn't see her at the patio door. She came around the front jumped onto a really narrow windowsill and banged on the glass with her paw to be let in. She has had some dinner and is now fast asleep somewhere. She will emerge when she is fed up and wants to go home again.

Today I was going to call up the village for some bread and visit the bank but the nice weather has disappeared and it keeps raining on and off. Ah well I will find something from the freezer for my dinner tonight instead.

As promised more photos from the baby knitting book. I am not sure if they will all fit on but I will see how it goes.

Nice basic little cardigan.

This makes a little boy look all grown up.

I love this little dress although I don't think that I would fancy knitting those ruffles. Too many stitches for me !

Another of the lovely pram rugs in this book.

Sweet little hat with an elf style top.

A very useful hooded top. Sorry about the lousy photo.

A very grown up looking aran sweater.

Unusual style block pram rug.

Not sure about these colours but I do like the style and the striped sleeves.

Such a pretty detail on the baby slippers.

Jacket with a lace panel up the fronts.

Another version of the log cabin blanket.

This would be lovely for a family party or wedding. Comfier for a little one than a real suit.

A very usefully shaped jacket. Simple but effective.

Nice grown up jacket for a little one. I would not have chosen lime green for a boy but some how it works.

A very useful hat with ear flaps and ties to keep ears warm in the winter.

I adore these little shoes especially in the bright colours.

A cupcake hat. The last pattern in the book. 60 patterns and every one of them is very knittable. Looking forward to having the time the start something from the book very soon.

Coffee time, 60 minute makeover on the TV and some more baby crochet. That's my plans for the afternoon unless the weather brightens up and I can go out on my scooter to the shops. .

1 comment:

  1. Your sweaters are beautiful! I don't have what it takes to make baby clothing. I do blankets and hats and that's it. You do very nice work. The baby book has some cute patterns.


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