Monday 13 June 2011

Back To Some Crochet

Life is slowly getting back to normal after all the excitement of last week. On Saturday I was crocheting at the Contact Theatre with Rachael ( Artyarn), Roger and Martie, Louise and some other knitters and crocheters. If you click on my blog title you will see some of the photos from the last week taken by Rachael (Artyarn) on her Flickr site. There is also more information on her blog page Artyarn which is always a good read if you haven't yet seen it.

This is a photo of me from the Flickr page taken by Rachael whilst I was knitting on the tram.

As promised these are a few photos of the contents of Issue 19 of Inside crochet. Although I like the back view of the Indian Summer Shrug by Emma Varnam I think that the front view looks a bit bulky as though the model has a blanket thrown over her shoulders.

Sunny Scarf by Catherine Wilson  has a fringe made from crochet loops. The main part is alternating bands of very openwork lace then a close stitch.

 The Matrioshka Doll by Marlene Rodrigues is really sweet. I do love looking at dolls and amigurumi but I don't like crocheting and stuffing small toys.

The Camissonia Lace Vest by Kristen Hein Strohm is very pretty. Made from crocheted squares in a fine linen thread on a 3mm hook.

Pretty bathmat by Zoe Clements. For myself I would not add flowers in the centre as I think stepping out of the bath onto raised flowers might unbalance me or trip me up. Perhaps a floral edge instead of dotted all over.

Storage boxes by Jane Platts.

Diamond Bag by Helen Myers. Nice colours but would need a lining to stop it from drooping.

These coasters and place mats by Helen Free ( Colours of Enfys ) come with a comprehensive how to Crotat article with plenty of photos included in the instructions. I have never tried crotatting before but I will definitely keep the instructions for future use. It gives a nice relief stitch instead of the usual flat crochet. The little butterflies would make a lovely trim   for garments or pram blankets.

Onyx Jewellery Set by Susan Lowman

Headspin Hat by Aoibhe Ni Shuilleabhain is a great hat for using up oddments. I can see it done in various bright colours for the winter.

Adriana Top by Irene Strange is a nice bright top but I fear not for me. As a plus sized lady I think that there is too much colour emphasis on my largest area although I can see that the shape would work well on slimmer ladies.

Coral Dishcloth by Ann Wignall. Although I have knitted and crocheted dishcloths and find them very hard wearing I have never made what I would call a scrubby. I would be afraid of food particles getting trapped inside the frills although I do machine wash my dishcloths and change them on a daily basis.

Back to reality. I am making several baby items which I will show to you once they are all finished off. At the moment they are crochet pieces in a basket waiting to be sewn together and trimmed. This is just a pram blanket for my next door neighbour's sister. She is expecting a much longed for little boy in a couple of months. She has experienced conception difficulties and lost a baby last year so this baby deserves a little blanket and a jacket.

My new adopted black cat has visited me once again and as it is raining she is happily sleeping on the rocking chair at the moment. Her owners are out at work so now that Oscar has moved she has taken over the lodger cat role. I must try to find out her name. She is a sweet, loving cat in the house but is the terror of the cats of the neighbourhood. She might be small but she has the local toms well under control.

I think that I am just about recovering my energy after my days on the Metro tram. All last week I fell asleep the moment that my head touched the pillow and even yesterday, although I got up full of energy, it only lasted for about an hour or so before I nodded off.


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely time last week! The magazine lookds delightful, I will have to see if I can get it here in the US. Cannot wait to see your finished projects! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Lovely picture of you Jan, riding the trams and crocheting. I really like the white jumper you are wearing, you look really nice in it. Looking forward to what you make next.

  3. I wish we had the energy that we used to have, don't you? I too get up all ready to battle the day only to discover that somewhere in the first 30 minutes I have already lost the battle.

    Can't wait to see all your lovelies and wish I had been on the tram with you to gab and crochet.

    Loved the video of the naked riders. Maybe back in the day. . .

  4. a lovely pic to open your blog. had a look thru' flicker, Rachel dun gud!!!!
    what does Bev mean about video of naked riders?


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