Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Old Patterns Bring Back Memories

I think that everyone knows that I have a passion for old patterns and not only buy 'new' vintage patterns I have a fair collection dating back from the 60's when I first started learning to crochet properly. Before that date I had just messed about with stitches and made up my own designs. I didn't start buying patterns until I learned how to follow them.
I regularly browse through my patterns and books. I can spend all day just looking at them all. Some I never got around to making and some evoke memories as does this one. When I got married in 1968 I just had the one bridesmaid, my best friend from school Anne, who was getting married the Saturday after my wedding. When I was going to get her a bridesmaid present she requested that I crochet her a top to go with her black skirt to wear for her graduation ball from Uni. Like us they were short of money as they had both just finished Uni so I was happy to oblige. I made it for her in emerald green with a very subtle hint of gold lurex. Anne had an olive complexion and black hair and so strong colours really suited her. She was as skinny as a rail and the top looked gorgeous on her if I say so myself. This is one reason why I could never get rid of my patterns as lots of them bring back lovely memories. My marriage wasn't the best but there are still some parts of it that I remember as being good.

I am still knitting like crazy on my niece's chunky jacket. Since I took this photo yesterday I have managed to finish off that sleeve and started the second one. When I go off knitting something I try to knit up the easy bits so that I feel that I am progressing which is why I left the back half done. I fell out with knitting the cables. Now that I have restarted the knitting I will go back to the cables and finish the back and make the fronts. My niece isn't well. She is prone to bouts of tonsillitis which makes me feel even more guilty that I didn't finish her jacket in time for her Birthday. Still I am back to it now so hopefully it won't be too long before I show the finished jacket.

The sun is shining today but not quite warm enough to knit in the garden so it's a mug of coffee and back to knitting in the sitting room.

1 comment:

  1. That jacket is looking very pretty. Is that yarn as soft as it looks?

    Crochet World has something similar to that yellow top in their June issue, don't they? Maybe I'm mistaken, I've haven't dug into it too deeply, just a quick look-through so far.


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