Saturday, 26 February 2011

Crochet Scarves

By special request from Debbi here are some of the scarves from the Vogue Crocheted Scarves On the Go book. As you can see from the contents this book was well worth the bargain reduced price that I paid for it. Sorry for the lousy photography the flash kept coming on as I was taking the photos. I think that there is enough of each scarf showing for you to get a good general view. There are roughly another 6 patterns that I didn't photograph as I didn't have enough room and they were more mundane than these.
I did a bit of knitting last night and am almost up to the neck shaping on the last front of the charcoal cardigan. Apart from that I have nothing to report.
The five storage boxes arrived yesterday and whilst they have made my stash room a lot tidier I could do with ordering at least 5 more. I still have 5 plastic tubs with handles still to arrive but they won't hold as much as the storage boxes.
Today started off quite rainy and Oscar the little cat from next door was like a drowned rat when he came in this morning. I dried him off, fed him and he slept until just after lunch. By then then sun was trying to shine so he wanted to go outside again.
I have done hardly anything today as I am very tired for some reason. I didn't think that I had a bad night's sleep but maybe my breathing mask slipped and was leaking during the night. If that happens then I don't get the pressure seal right and it can result in my unknowingly stopping breathing during the night which causes me to be sleepy all day. I need to press on with the charcoal knitting as I had promised myself to get it finished by this weekend. I don't think that will happen somehow as the stitching up and collar and band knitting takes a long time.
I will make a strong black coffee and look for some matchsticks to keep my eyes open whilst I knit. I just yawned and almost swallowed the PC screen so I had better try to wake myself up.


  1. A wonderful display of possibilities here. Nothing like some new bins for yarn storage.

  2. h Jan, hope you managed to stay awake for couple hours?. I know the feeling of wanting to sleep during day. I like several of those scarves; may consider looking for the book. enjoy weekendxx

  3. Like the scarves Jan. They would be good to make as gifts. Hope you are not feeling too tired today and enjoy your weekend.


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