from the fact that if you don't get it right then the machine weights crash down and have been known to land on toes and even break them. I tried it out today and kept my toes well out of the way just in case. I am really pleased with this edging. No frilling as you can see. I hope to make the rest of the pieces tomorrow. I am starting with small things as it is enabling me to practise ribbing, changing from ribbing to stocking stitch, shaping and casting off. I want to get things right before I start on lace or any kind of a pattern and then encounter problems. So for now it's plain all the way at least for another couple of baby cardigans. When I feel confident I will try the lace carriage.
As you can see I need to go and stand in the naughty corner again. I got an e mail from E Kemps telling what bargains they had as they had made further reductions on certain wools. I think that I need therapy as I am turning into a yarnoholic. How could I resist the Sirdar Snuggly at less than £1 a ball when it is the colour that my friend likes for her foster baby boys. I hope that she gets a girl next time but as it's usually boys then I am not holding out much hope although I have got an awful lot of baby wool that is girly colours. I hope that this is an omen and she gets a girl next time. The pink Sirdar Big Softee had been reduced yet again so that had to be bought and also the Hayfield Aran 400 grams is now £2.99 ball but only for the lilac colour.
I know quite a few pregnant ladies at the moment so hopefully there will be a few girls. The barman at the Kings Arms baby girl is due on Sunday. His wife was in the pub last night and looking very huge but yet still high so it might be a bit late.
I went to Knit Club last night. I took some hand knitting with me but as it is a bit dark for my old dim eyes in there I didn't take anything dark. I took some multi coloured James c Brett DK that I initially started to Tunisian crochet with but decided to unravel it and use it on the machine. The wool was too thick for the machine so it got unravelled again and is now half way to being a hand knit baby jacket. I ordered it online and it looked like multi bright colours with red. When it arrived the colours were different to my monitor and it was definitely a deep pink and not red. I therefore didn't use it for the foster baby boy that it was intended for, Making it up it is still pink but not so pink that it can't be used on a boy. Hopefully the other colours will distract from the pink colour especially if I put blue or green buttons on it. Hopefully I will be able to show that to you tomorrow. As I am using an old pattern I am knitting it like wildfire. I slow down and struggle more with the modern pattern than I do with my golden oldies. The pattern instructions today contain too much information for me. Pattern have 3 or 4 pages for one sweater whereas this pattern that I am using has 3 pages for 3 different cardigans but yet still covers 3 sizes. How come patterns are so complicated to understand these days?
HOW COULD YOU DO THAT? You nearly gave me a heart attack!!!!! Broken Toe Cast On.Sheeeeesh!
well, which part of the humam race is complicated to understand? :))
Glad to see it wasn't your toe that got broken Jan. It makes a nice neat edge to the rib though.
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