Friday 9 July 2010

Still Here Crocheting

Thanks to everyone who worried about me. I am still here crocheting away. I was just not in the mood for sharing my thoughts with people over the last few days. I think that everything that happened caught up with me and I needed some alone time to think things through.
I still have a front and bands to make on the blue cardigan that I am crocheting but I couldn't settle to finishing it so decided to start something different. I made this Chevron Lace cardigan for my friend Sylvia from 10 x 50 grams of Patons Solo which was described as a chunky with mohair but it is a fine yarn and worked up more of an aran thickness. Sylvia has no idea that I am making this for her so - surprise !. It has short sleeves however as I did not have enough wool to put a long sleeve in it. I am not sure whether she will kill me or not but the wool says hand wash. It's probably because if has 20% Mohair, 24% wool and 56% Acrylic. The shade is 2242 which is a delicate turquoise blue colour. It looks more grey in the photos .
I will go back and finish off the blue cardigan now that I have had a break from it. I do that sometimes. Just reach a dead stop and need to do something else to give myself a kick start again.
Tomorrow I am going shopping for an armchair and looking after the two dogs from next door Buddy and my daily visitor Poppy whilst my neighbours go to a wedding. I am still not sure whether I am having Buster this weekend but as I haven't heard from my son I guess I have got my weekends mixed up again.
Hopefully I am feeling more like my normal self and will be blogging as usual.


  1. Glad to see you blogging again. I was worried about you when I didn't see you for a few days. I was rather hoping that the hospital had sent for you and your operation had been done. Lovely cardigan for Sylvia. I like the edging that you have put on it. Have a nice weekend with the dogs. xx

  2. Hi Jan, Glad to see you are o.k. Hope you are feeling better now. Good luck with your shopping, hope you find just what you are looking for!
    Dogs are such good company, we have a cute litte dog called Mollie, also have a cat called Cleo, who at the moment is not too happy, she had a visit to the vet yesterday for a sore paw, and now has a bandage on her front paw - she keeps trying to shake it off!! Enjoy your time with them. Have a great weekend.


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