Monday, 19 July 2010

A Glimpse Into My Wardrobe

Ages ago I decided to catalogue the sweaters I had stored in my wardrobe. I soon got very fed up as I realised I had far too many to take photos of each one individually so I gave up and put them back in the wardrobe, These are just a few photos that I kept. Most of these are a little on the small side but being the optimist that I am I refuse to part with them on the grounds that I may wear them again one day. The yarns that they are made in are mostly discontinued and far superior to the ones that I can buy these days so I will keep them even if one day I have to unravel and remake something with the yam. The red, turquoise and cream sweaters were made from Emu Perle which washed like a dream. Patons used to make a Pearl DK and that was a good washer but not quite as good as Emu. The bright pink was Patons Classic mercerised cotton another great hard wearing cotton and the lilac is Sirdar Wash and Wear crepe which really does wash and wear forever. All of these sweaters are another reason why I don't knit or crochet as much for myself as I used to. Hopefully once I resume my social life again, after my knee ops, I will get the chance to wear them again. I tend not to wear anything around the house that I have to hand wash and take special care of.
Buster is getting extremely bored with me now as it has rained today and we have not been able to sit in the garden and play ball. He did have something to watch this afternoon when Hazel came to mow my lawn. As he is not good with strangers I had to keep him in the house so he contented himself by growling and trying to intimidate her through the patio door and the front bay window. I always have to apologise for his behaviour when people call. He doesn't bite but he seems to enjoy scaring people half to death by going up close to them and staring at them. He chooses the people who don't like dogs to do this with. Once he sees that they are a bit nervous of them it makes his day. People who know him just ignore him and he gets bored and lies down.
I got an e mail today from Violet Green saying that my wool has been dispatched so that should arrive in a couple of days. That all depends whether they have sent it by parcel post or Home Delivery. I am in no rush as I am not starting it yet.
I have almost finished the cream and brown fleck knitted baby cardigan. I am up to the bit that seems to take for ever, The long button band for a V neck. I find them a bit tricky to measure, Too long and they drag the fronts down and too short and they pucker the fronts up! This little cardigan seems to have taken me ages to make but I am hindered by Buster. He has now found out that he can put his tennis ball under my new recliner and get it jammed underneath. This maroons me as I don't want to use the mechanism in case I jam it with the ball. I hope that he soon gets fed up of this game and goes back to wedging his tennis ball under the coffee table. At least I can hook it out from under there with my walking stick. I feel sorry for him as he is getting pretty bored, Even though he can go in and out of the garden at will it is not the same as a good long walk to tire him out.


  1. They are all so lovely, Jan. I haven't made anything for myself but you are inspiring me to give a go. I've been wanting to make a cardigan and think I'll go looking for a nice pattern today.

  2. Your jumpers are so beautiful. I love knitting, and I make lots of things for friends. I paid a visit to the U.K. one Christmas time and I knitted a beautiful jacket, complete with cable pattern! I wore it once. Once I arrived back in Australia I gave it to a good friend of mine. Poor Buster, you know he is a very lucky dog. When we go away, our little dog and our beautiful cat have to go to the kennels.

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