Monday 3 May 2010

Progressing Slowly But Surely

As you can see the Lacy Duster coat is progressing slowly but surely. I have about another 10" to crochet. At the moment the bottom edge stitch is looking a little frilly but it will sort itself out after it has been blocked and hung on a hanger.

Charlie's new hooded jacket is also progressing slowly. The reason for the slowness is that I was at a Christening for most of the day yesterday.

My niece picked me up dressed in a summer dress and bolero type cardigan and was making fun of me dressed in my coat and my shawlette. After waiting outside the Church in the cold for a half hour before we could go into the church no-one was laughing at me then. The street that the Church is on has to be one of the coldest in my town as the sun never shines on the Church any more due to the planners allowing a multi storey apartment complex to be built right across the road from it. The street not only has no sunshine now it also is like standing in a wind tunnel. We all had to wait outside the Church for the Sunday Mass to finish before we could go in and it over ran.

Some guests at another baby's Christening were dressed in strapless flimsy dresses as if they were going to a Summer wedding and a few of their children were literally blue with the cold and shivering. Child abuse for the sake of fashion in my opinion. It wasn't a warm day even in the sun and to bring a child out without a cardigan or coat is just plain madness in my opinion. The Church wasn't that warm so they could not warm up once they finally got inside. I have been inside the Church several times for Weddings and Christenings and whilst it is a lovely Church it is always cold even in the middle of Summer.

Hopefully I will catch up with my knitting and crocheting tonight but now it's time for a warming cup of coffee and perhaps a sandwich for my lunch.


  1. Brrrrrrrrrrrr! I can just feel the chill in the air as it has been very windy and cold here as well.

    You're moving right along with your projects. No doubt both will be done in plenty of time.

  2. Oh Jan, that duster is going to be beautiful!!!
    I love the baby sweater too...your work is gorgeous!!

  3. I can almost feel the cold, standing outside that sunless church. It is cold again today here. The Duster coat is coming along really well and looking good. Also the knitted baby sweater is lovely with an unusual stitch.

  4. Love that duster coat! What type of yarn are you using for this?


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