Sunday 23 May 2010

Farmers Market

It's another beautiful day. My niece came early to pick me up for the Farmers Market. We aren't lucky enough to have a regular market but they do come about every 3 months. We have learned that you have to get there early to get the best choice of the food. I love to go there if only for the fresh lamb. I like to get some in for my freezer as it has much more taste that the lamb that I can buy from the supermarket and is virtually the same price.I didn't take any photos of the lamb as it went straight into the freezer the minute I got home. The cutlets are so large that one is sufficient for me with vegetables and you can't say that about the cutlets that you can get at the supermarket.

As you can see the bread is so fresh and it's delicious. It is quite expensive but who cares when it tastes so darn good. The ciabatta rolls just melt in the mouth and are nothing like the rock hard ones that are in the supermarket. The bread sells out like mad and if you don't get there early enough there is nothing left to buy.

My niece bought some items from the Italian stall but I am not a lover of sun dried tomatoes and olives. She also bought some hand made soap which smells absolutely gorgeous but as I have eczema I have to be so careful what I wash with.

We both stayed clear of the chocolate, sweets and cakes stall although my niece did buy her husband some fancy cakes but as he is a slim as can be he can get away with eating them all. My niece is like me she only has to breathe in near a cake stall and she puts on pounds.

I bought a moussaka from the Greek stall, and some jerk chicken with rice and peas from the west Indian stall. I also bought a lamb Pattie. They are a bit like a pasty but filled with much spicier filling. They are a bit of a taste bud shocker but I like them. Well they do say that to eat spicy food and drink hot drinks makes you cooler on a hot day.

Buster went home at lunchtime. Instead I have gained the little dog Poppy from next door. She is a bit of an old girl and they have another younger dog so sometimes she comes in here for a bit of piece and quiet. She is stretched out on the carpet fast asleep at the moment. Next door has laminate flooring and so I think that she likes a bit of comfort in her old age.

I did a bit of crocheting last night but it really is so hot despite the ceiling fan. I am never happy am I? Last week I was moaning that it was too cold and now I say it's too hot. I think it is because we haven't had a slow build up to the hot weather. One day it was freezing and the next hot. By next week it will probably be freezing again.

The good thing about hot weather is that I have a line full of washing that has dried in less than an hour. All the bedding is out now and by the time the next load finishes in the machine the bedding will be dry enough to go back on the bed.


  1. Oh yummy! Bread is a serious weakness of mine and that looks really good. The farmers' markets are just getting going here now and their fresh veggies, breads, etc., can't be beat.

    Have a lovely day!

  2. Cor! I really like the look of that bread and all the other items you bought at the farmer's market. Glad you had a nice time Jan.


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