Friday 2 April 2010

Second Blue Curacao Shawl

The second shawl is now finished and is wet blocking on the boards at the moment. I haven't taken any photos of the second shawl as apart from the colour splodges being in slightly different places it looks like the other shawl. I will take photos of the two shawls together when the second one is dry. The second shawl is slightly larger than the first as I decided to use a 6mm hook instead of the 5,50mm I had used previously.

I started the second shawl with the part ball of the previous shawl and so have managed to make both shawls from 900 grams of the unlabelled brushed chunky. Each shawl I make varies in content dependant on the brand , thickness and the wool content, I find it really difficult to know exactly how much each shawl will take unless I have used the wool before.

Buster is getting very bored with me now as we can't even play ball in the back garden today as it is raining hard. Typical Easter weather. Tempt people in the middle of the week with a bit of good weather and then after they have decided to go away for a break change the weather to rain. My knees don't like the rain and are waiting for some sunshine to warm the old bones.

I think that I am in a shawl mood as I still cannot return to my niece's crochet until Buster goes home on Tuesday. I have made several stash buster shawls from my stash and I always enjoy making them. I will probably made another couple as they always come in useful for myself or my friends to give to elderly friends and relatives. I think my next one might be shades of blue as I have a big bag full of different types of blues. Of course I may change my mind once I go into the box room and stash rummage. Watch this space.


  1. Wow Jan youa re so speedy at crochet:) I love the shawls. Will email you now:)

  2. both you and the shawl look great in the pics. really quick work.
    shame that Buster still indoors, must be very frustrating for you both.
    enjoy the weekend


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