Wednesday 17 March 2010

Dillon The Herbivore

Dillon is growing up but not much taller. He was supposed to be a half Akita but he has a large head and such short little legs we are not sure what he is. He is very mischievous and a real handful. We just hope that we can find him a home where he can get lots of attention which he craves. He has such a cute face that I am sure one of my son's friends will fall for him soon. Lots of people have shown interest in him but they either have another dog or a cat and we think he would be better being the only animal for a while. He is like Tigger. He bounces everywhere and thinks everyone wants to play with him. His nickname is now Herbivore since he ate the plant that my son bought me for Mother's Day.

Yesterday I was so tired that I spent most of it dozing off in the chair. Today I seem to have recovered and have managed to finish off the neckline of the striped sweater. I just have to knit some sleeves now. I hope that I have enough cotton left to make the sleeves longer as I am not one for wearing short sleeves as shown on the pattern. I definitely have enough green and white but the mink colour is the one that I am worried about. I am going to start one sleeve and just hope for the best. Even long sleeves will be quite short as it is a dropped shoulder line and I don't have very long arms. I am longing to start some crochet but I am trying to make myself finish this knitting before I do,

I have put some more photos from the Vintage Baby book on the blog today. I will let you make your own mind up whether you like any of them. I doubt that I will be using this book much. I like the crochet book that I bought at the same time and will take some photos of the projects in that for another day.

I have seen on Ravelry that the new Interweave crochet is out in the US. There are a couple of jackets in it by Doris Chan in this issue. My copy won't arrive for another couple of weeks which is probably just as well as I have other things to finish before I get carried away with any new patterns.

I hope that I manage to stay awake this evening to get some more knitting done but as I am still not sleeping through the night I get very tired around 9pm and doze on and off until bedtime.


  1. Your striped knitted jumper is looking very pretty. Looking forward to seeing it finished. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight Jan.

  2. The jumper looks so pretty!
    Here's a site that perhaps you'd like to look into, with vintage patterns:


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