Monday 25 January 2010

Photos Of Big Issue Knit Out

These are some photos taken at the Big Issue Knit Out. They were taken by Audreym (Ravelry name) and also feature photos of yours truly theurbangypsy (AKA the big blue crocheting whale) - who is crocheting along with Roger (Ravelry name Thatroger) and the bottom photo is Lucy (I-Lucius) and Cara ( Pinkerton). They are knitters from the 8th day knit club and are part of the Manchester Massive Ravelry group that I am also a member of. Although I don't manage to get to the 8th Day for the knit outs I do bump into these ladies from time to time at functions such as these and Roger is a fellow member of the Kings Arms Knitters of Salford. Audrey has kindly allowed me to "pinch" these photos from her Flickr for my blog.

As you can see from these photos that there were quite a few young knitters. These photos show a fraction of the people who attended. If I find any more photos then I will post them at a later date. So many people had cameras that I am sure that there must be loads more eventually.

My friend Sue from the Knitting Noras called today. Nice to have a chat and a catch up with gossip and to see photos of her new grand daughter. I haven't finished the outfit intended for her as last night I finished off the crochet hat that I had started at the Knit Out and have started another one exactly the same as I had enough wool left over. The baby outfit is coming out more for a six month old anyway so it will still fit the next time that I see Sue.She is making a lovely crocheted pram blanket for her new grandbaby. She has chosen lovely subtle shades of pinks, creams lilacs and beiges in a lovely soft cotton and the blanket is 6 larger multi coloured granny squares with a border around. The colours were lovely. I hope that she posts a photo on Ravelry when she has finished it off.If she does then I will "pinch" it and let you see it.

I am going to carry on making hats and scarves but in and between other projects as i think that I will get rather bored with just churning out hat after hat.

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