Wednesday 23 December 2009

My First Christmas Present

I received a copy of Crochet Today in the post yesterday. There was no message attached to it but the label suggested that it was one of 4. I asked everyone I knew if they had sent it to me and got denials all around. My friend suggested that there must be a Santa and he had sent it. Later in the day I contacted my niece and she said it was her Mum who had arranged the subscription as a Christmas present but they thought that as it was the Jan/Feb issue that it would not arrive until after Christmas so were going to tell me on Christmas Day.I will post some photos of the contents on another day.

Getting Crochet Today through the post reminded me that I had not renewed my subscription to Interweave Crochet and as the Winter edition is one due out very shortly I have sent off my cheque to P & M Woolcraft, My neighbour from across the road has posted it for me as I am not going up the village in the snow again.

I ventured out yesterday as my neighbour was unable to give me a lift to Tesco to food shop as she has had to work, It was really hard work dragging my trolley home through the snow and my knee and back are hating me today. Fortunately as I am not cooking for Christmas Day I wasn't over loaded as some people trolleys were. I could have called for a taxi but as the council has not seen fit to grit our hills yet I didn't think it was fair to ask a taxi to slip and slide to my house. When I first lived here we had a local council who gritted every time there was a hint of snow or ice. Now we have amalgamated in with a bigger council all we ever get is one tiny grit bin that isn't enough for a quarter of the street and have never seen a gritter in years. Our council taxes went up when we amalgamated but we get a poor man's service. Bury gets the gritters now.

I am still working like crazy. My house is like a blitz but I don't care. There is more to life than housework. I live on my own so I can please myself. I have promised myself a giant clean up once Christmas is over, I do the basics like hoovering etc but the polishing and deep cleaning has been put on hold.

I am well on the way with another jacket for my niece, It was supposed to be the jacket pictured from the Crochet Closet book but as my wool is thicker than the wool specified once again I am doing it my way. I work quicker that way. I have just used the stitch and the general pattern idea but am toying with the idea of putting a collar on my version and a few more buttons.

Yesterday I got photos sent of my niece wearing one of the duck hats that I made and the family (except the baby as I suspect that her hat is still a bit large for her) that they were intended for wearing theirs. Apparently they loved the hats and the little girl insisted that her Daddy wore the hat to take her to nursery school the next day. It's nice to get photos of people wearing things that I have made and knowing that they like them.

The scarf is still languishing with not another row done and I have still got a hat to knit. Sleep - who needs it? Mush Mush I had better get a move on.

1 comment:

  1. The hats seem to have been a quacking success and the crochet is coming along just fine as usual doing it your way


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