Saturday 5 December 2009

The Lure Of Crochet

I admit it. I am a crochet junkie. I have withdrawal symptoms if I am away from my crochet hook too long. Whilst I admit that knitting is very nice and is better for certain garments I am in my heart a crocheter.

I didn't get back to my knitting last night. I finished off the washcloths I had started and made three more. I made myself promise this morning not to pick up another hook until I had at least started the front of the aran jacket for my niece or it will never get finished in time for Christmas,

I need some more cotton for the washcloths but as I cannot face another Saturday melee on the tram and all the pushing and shoving in the market I will wait until a weekday to get more supplies. I also need to buy the handmade soap to go with these washcloths and there is a lovely shop in Bury that sells that. I plan to tie 3 washcloths together with a bar of soap so need to count up how many people I need to make them for. Mother Christmas's work is never done.

It's washing day today. I don't have a set washing day I just wait until the basket gets full and then do a colour sort. I washed the sample square of the wool that I used for the babies hoodies and am pleased to say that not only did it not shrink it softened up a lot. The wool felt a little scratchy when I was knitting with it and I was a bit concerned on how it would feel to a small baby. I am not going to wash the jackets as I know Louise uses special detergent for the babies so I will just recommend that she washes the jackets prior to wear. I think that she might be visiting her family for Christmas so Santa may visit a bit early in case she needs the sweaters and jackets for over Christmas.

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