Sunday 13 December 2009

Introducing Dillon

Introducing the latest member of our family. This is Dillon who is supposed to be an Akita cross but looks more like a staffy with big ears so we are not quite sure how or what he will turn out like. I mean - just what is going on with those ears? Was his father a bat? He does have a very cute face though. He is staying at my son's at the moment as he is very underweight and has no social skills or toilet training so he will stay with them until such a time as he is ready to either be re-homed or become a permanent member of our family, As you can see in the background Buster is keeping a very close eye on him!

I went up to Bury yesterday. I was supposed to be buying something for my great grand daughters for Christmas but Bury was so crowded and where I wanted to go was across the market and a main road and my knee just didn't want to walk that far. I will try again in the week when the market isn't on and then maybe I can walk without bumping into crowds with my trolley.

I bought more supplies of cotton for dishcloths. I have an idea how to use these dishcloths to incorporate them into the presents but I will reveal more once I have made the first two and see if my idea will work. I also bought some aran and some double knitting with wool.I bought most of the wool from the market stall and the cotton from Habiknit. I have already started the beige wool as you can see. It is going to be a Haru for those of you familiar with Doris Chan's everyday Crochet book. I have done the worst bit that haa all the shaping so it will be plain sailing from now on. It is for a present as you can see from it's tiny 10 size. I am making it for my sister in law to go with some other things for her Christmas present. As you can see I am progressing with turning the aran cardigan for my niece into a long sleeved version and am about half way up the first sleeve. It did feel SO good to sit and crochet last night. All of this knitting is making my hands hurt.

I got a surprise yesterday. My niece came to pick up the duck motif hats for posting and brought me a pair of purple boots that I had ordered from the catalogue ages ago. She gave them to me as the remaining part of my Birthday Present as she said both the Mary Jane shoes and the boots were half price when she came to order them so my nieces decided to pay for them both for me. How cool is that.I had thought the Mary Jane shoes were a lovely present from them both and so was really surprised to get the boots as well. Purple is my favourite colour and so I will enjoy wearing them. I will have to be careful not to wear them in the rain though as suede marks so easily.

Off now for another mammoth knit and crochet session. My housework has gone to the dogs but I will have a really good clean up before Christmas - possibly after I put the Christmas tree up. I have asked my neighbour if I can borrow her teenage boy to reach the tree down from the loft for me but I am not sure when he will arrive to do it.


  1. I just love those purple boots. Purple is my favourite colour too.
    Love Dillon, he is so cute with his big long ears.
    Love the Haru, it is one of my favourite Doris Chan patterns.
    Love your blog Jan!

  2. Dillon is adorable!! Cute, funny ears. lol


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