Thursday 31 December 2009

Another Crocheter In The Family

Our newest family member to learn how to crochet. On Christmas Day my elder niece, who can crochet, was teaching my younger niece how to crochet. I got this photo yesterday showing her progress with her crochet so far.As both of my nieces work long hours and have so little time to either knit or crochet then crochet is the obvious thing as it can be picked up and put down so easily.

You may notice that my niece is modelling the Sedgemoor cardigan which seems to have been a hit with her.

As I cannot knit for long periods of time without getting bored then I decided last night to make some simple fingerless mitts to go with the scarf and hat. I wanted to show how simple shapes can be made into something. When you are learning a craft it is OK to practise stitches but I do think that showing how easy it is to turn a simple shape into something wearable is important. I have sewn up one pair and then tacked one of the second pair of mitts together with a different coloured thread to show the how to and left one piece flat to give her some idea of how they are constructed. I am not going to write down any instructions at this stage as she is still practising tension so hers would come out a different size anyway.

Today I am going to make some more simple shapes to show her how to make a phone case, a child's purse and a child's simple hat made in a flat piece as she isn't ready for circular crochet yet. I do hope that I can encourage her to make something simple as I think it gives a new crocheter such a sense of achievement to turn out something useful rather than just practising stitches over and over.

I bought the necklace at Marks and Spencers yesterday as I could not resist a bargain. I had to borrow a black necklace from my elder niece for my younger niece's wedding as I didn't have one so when I saw this one reduced from £9.50p to just £4 then I had to have it. Black is such a useful colour for jewelry and I do wear a lot of black when I go out anywhere.


  1. Doesn't your niece look pleased with her crochet and the cardigan looks lovely and fits her so well. Your necklace is pretty, like you, I can't resist a bargain either. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year Jan.

  2. I love to hear about new crocheters and how they fall in love with the skill. Sometimes I think it's a lost art.

  3. The cardigan is gorgeous on her! Yay for new crocheters. Resistance is futile :P

    Laurie in victoria


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