Thursday 26 November 2009

A Present To Myself

Back to normal today after yesterday's visitors. My brother and sister in law called with a present of track suit bottoms and my son called with my card. He had already given me my present of a Freeview box when I bought my new TV so it was lovely to see him and chat to him for a while. Today my present to myself arrived. I had to order some books as part of Christmas presents for my family and as I had a voucher to spend at Amazon I slipped in a crochet book for myself. I had seen a few of the designs from it on Ravelry and thought that I might like it. It is the Crochet Closet by Lisa Gentry and when the light is better tomorrow I will let you see some of the designs. The books didn't get delivered until 5pm and it was a bit dark to take photos successfully so I just quickly snapped the front cover. I will have a good browse in the book after dinner.

The baby hoodies are now both finished. I just have to sew the smaller one up, block it out and sew buttons on both of the jackets. I will have to knit a swatch, measure it and then put it in the washer to make sure that the jackets won't shrink if Louise machine washes them. As I used wool that was given to me without labels I am not sure what it's exact content is. It feels quite woolly so I need to know if it will shrink if she puts them in the washer.

I think after that I will start on one of the aran hats that I am making for my nephews in law for Christmas. My new crochet patterns are calling to me but the elves in the cellar that Ailsa seems to think that I have are busy helping Santa this year and so I will have to do all of my own knitting so I am afraid there is no time to get distracted by some crochet unless it is for Christmas present washcloths.

I had a really good birthday yesterday. Birthdays are more special to me than Christmas is especially since I have grown older. It is the one day that people get in touch and wish you Happy Birthday. Those text messages,cards, Facebook messages, e mails and comments on my blog mean far more to me than people buying me presents. I have never really been a materialistic kind of girl wanting expensive presents etc. I am just chuffed when people remember that it's my birthday. Christmas I have to share with everyone else but my Birthday is mine all mine.

Time for a bit of dinner now and then back to the knitting treadmill. I am hoping that there is something interesting on the TV to hold my attention whilst I cast on the hat. I can knit far more when I am enthralled by a TV programme and those are increasingly hard to find these days. By the time I have ruled out the repeats, the stupid banal reality, quiz and cookery programmes my TV viewing is rather limited. If I am ever reduced to watching daytime programmes such as Jeremy Kyle then please shoot me!

My neighbour, Julie, popped in with a box of Milk Tray tonight so guess who will be pigging out tonight. Knitting and Chocolate what could be better? Crochet and Chocolate of course!


  1. So glad you had such a nice birthday!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful birthday Jan! I LOVE those cardis you've knit. I would love to knit those sometime in the very near future! :=)

  4. Glad you had a nice birthday and I agree crochet and chocolate is wonderful... I hope to be knitting by this time next year so maybe will be able to knit my grandsons sweaters and myself socks, I love socks... Glad that you got yourself a new book too, I tend to buy myself things like that too since nobody else would think to get me things like that... Lynn

  5. There is nothing better than a new crochet book and chocolate! Nice way to spend the evening, enjoy!


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