Saturday 5 September 2009

Stitch and Craft Show

I have just got back from the Stitch and Craft Show at Manchester Central (used to be G-Mex), I went there with Sylvia and Kath and I think that we were all quite disappointed at the lack of wool stalls once again this year. I am sure there was one less than last year. I certainly wasn't tempted by anything on offer this year. Sylvia and Kath bought some wool from the Black Sheep and Jen had left some wool that she bought from the Black Sheep under the Knitting Noras Naked Knitting Calendar stall for me. I am making a shawl for her with that.

Whilst I was briefly on the knitting Noras stand I met up with Ailsa (Mad about Craft) I have followed her blog for a long time and felt like I knew her really well when I saw her. She looks just like the photo on her blog and as she recognised me then I suppose that I must look like my photo too. After that, of course, we bumped into each other on almost every aisle. It's funny isn't it that you don't actually know some-one in person, then you meet them and finish up seeing them lots of times. It was very nice to finally meet up with you Ailsa (with daughter and Jan) I would have loved to have a longer chat with you but you were busy stall browsing and so was I. There were quite a lot of bored husbands around the place so I see that you wisely left Oh Bearded One at home!

The photo is of me with a couple of the props that I crocheted that were used in the calendar. The pink duster coat (pattern by Doris Chan) and the wrap that was used for the mermaid tail. The red stockings that you can see are also a calendar prop and they were expertly knitted by Julie who was manning the stall with Bev today.

I did buy myself something - a new hair clip as you can see. It is basically two hair combs with elastic and beads and it holds my hair very securely. The lady demonstrating them managed put people's hair up even when their hair was quite short. She had no trouble with mine as my hair is now half way down my back. They do sell online at I saw the clips last year and didn't buy one, couldn't find one in any shop, so this year I decided to give myself a treat as I wasn't buying any wool.

When I came home Julie, next door, kindly offered to cut my side of our joint hedge so the privet leaf in my hair is from when I was underneath the privets scooping up the fallen leaves as she was cutting above me. I hadn't realised that I was wearing a leaf until I put the photo on here.

My knee is aching like fury tonight so I am going to do nothing but rest it up.


  1. It was lovely to meet up with you too!

    And, yes, I recognised you.

    I agree with you, I was disappointed with the wool stalls, I was also hoping there were more sewing stalls and the lighting was truly awful.

    Hopefully we'll meet up again and have a proper get together

  2. Hi Jan! Love your new hair clip!! I am wondering if they would work well with thin hair. Mine is long, but baby fine. I love a variety of hair accessories though, so I will definitely look this link up! I did just this morning finish my first SNOOD!! I really wasn't too sure how this thing was going to look on me, but when I tried it on, it really looked kinda cute, I thought! The reason I'm making it is for a Gone With The Wind blog party that I signed up to participate in, so I just HAD to think of SOMETHING to crochet for it, and I had to down to two things in mind.. I have always loved the pillow Scarlett rests her head on at the Wilkes' BBQ when the girls had to take naps... the green velvet with a crochet square appliqued to it!.. BUT, I ended up making a SNOOD instead! (0; Such a funny name for such a thing too!.. Anyways, hope you're enjoying your weekend! ~tina


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