Sunday 27 September 2009

Knitty Nora meets the Knitting Noras

First of all let me introduce this cutie pie. He is Fynnlay James who weighed in at 7lbs 7ozs on Thursday 24th Sept. His mum Louise is almost family. My niece and Louise house shared for many years before they each got married and so Louise was included in most things that my niece did and so I am known as Auntie Jan to her.

I have started another aran jacket for big brother Charlie with the remainder of the navy aran and will post photos of that tomorrow. I have chosen rib and zig zag cable pattern this time and am making a slightly smaller size to fit him now rather than a bit later.

Today I went to our regular monthly Knit Out with the Knitting Noras. We had a good turn out today and took up a few tables. Lisa came staggering in with her crate on wheels with some more calendars for the ladies to sell. I have paid my debts for the ones that I took earlier so they can take my name out of the window now. (For those of you who are not familiar with this expression it comes from the old days when people were allowed to run up a bill at the local shop (on tick) and would pay it off at the end of the week when they got their wages. Those who didn't pay were shamed by having their debts and names put on a piece of paper in the window!)

A Ravelry friend of mine Deedee (aka Knitnurd) sent me a message this morning to say that the Knitting Noras were featured on a podcast that she listens to. The lady's name is Knitty Nora. She went to I Knit exhibition in London and interviewed Lisa and Linda about the calendar. If you click on my blog title it will hopefully take you to her blog and podcast. It starts off with a song that I hadn't heard for a long time Arthur Askey and the Knitting Song. Took me right back to my childhood did that. I shall be reading/listening to Knitty Nora again as she is very interesting.

I had a bit of an experience on the tram on the way to Knit Out. There was a lady who was sitting near me who insisted on chatting to me and another lady all the way to Bury. She was a bit strange I think. She was dressed in one of those flowered wrap over overalls that ladies wore during and after the 2nd world war over a brown floral dress. She had a red felted hat complete with a bunch of cherries which bobbed about alarmingly as she chatted. She wore round tortoiseshell glasses reminiscent of a politician in the 40's (Neville Chamberlain possibly?) Her hair was a magnificent shade of red henna and she had old lady checkered house slippers on her feet complete with beige fur and pom poms. When she got off the tram I tried to avoid her but she followed me to the bus stop but thankfully carried on walking when I stopped. As she walked away she produced a wooden rolling pin from her bag and walked away waving it in the air and chatting away to herself. The people at the bus stop were all laughing and shaking their heads. I said it's OK for you I have had her all the way to Bury on the tram! I didn't answer her but she still carried on chatting away as if I was interested. Mad as a hatter.

My son is bringing Buster in a few minutes to spend the week with me whilst they have a bit of a break. So I am sleeping with a boxer all next week. I just hope that my knee holds out so that I can walk him as today it has been really painful. I think it is the change in the weather. I will have to reach the mint udder cream out again to rub on my knee and warm it up. It stinks of peppermint and the whole house smells of it particularly the bed linen but it's a small price to pay for a bit of relief.

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