Wednesday 16 September 2009

A Hint Of Calendar

I have got my copies of the calendar. Some of which are now on their way to the US and the Isle of Man as well as exotic Manchester. The photo is only part of what appears in the calendar- well you didn't expect me to reveal the whole me on here did you? I thought just a hint and then if you buy a calendar then you can see the full photo plus the other 11. All I will say is that I do cover a lot more of the page than the others but as a neighbour remarked "They get more for their money with you love" I do hope that he meant that in a complimentary way.

I haven't done much crochet or knitting as I went back up to Bolton today to pick up my calendars which Deb kindly got for me. Otherwise I would have had to wait until the knit out to see one. I must admit when I posted the calendar to the US I had to take a deep breath as even sending it printed paper rate it cost me £6.27p. Good job it is for an old friend. I have got a friend from Facebook ordering two calendars and a neighbour is ordering another two and this is only my first day of having a calendar to show!

Another shameless plug here - click on my blog title if you wish to support a good cause (Christie Cancer Hospital) and order a calendar for yourself or for someone that you think would like one. If the blog title doesn't work then you can always find the link on the right hand side of my blog. Please feel free to tell all of your friends. Order and tell them Jan sent you. It won't get you any discount but it does help us to find out how people found out about the calendar.

I have managed to crochet up the tangle of 3 balls of wool that I had to unravel and so am back where I was two days ago with the shawl. Hopefully this time I have kept the pattern and the increases straight. Wish me luck as I crochet away.

Time is ticking on and still not a pot washed so I had better get on with some chores before I pick up my hook again.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats and thank you for the sneak preview!! How exciting.


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