Thursday 13 August 2009

Thanks Everyone

Thanks to everyone who has sent me such lovely comments via e mails, Ravelry and phone calls about my amateur impromptu photo session with a web cam. I am glad that you all think as I do that brighter colours suit me. Today's photo is courtesy of Cat, a lovely Ravelry lady (Byhook) from Idaho, who read my blog and took away the ugly background of my photo and changed it and gave it quite a Gone With The Wind look. I felt quite a Southern Belle and all that was missing was my crinoline. All I need now is a modern day Rhett Butler. I am looking forward to wearing the shawl when I go on Julie's 40th birthday weekend.

I have been having a lot of down days lately for one reason or another and so I feel quite uplifted with everyones kindness. Much appreciated folks.I had a message on Ravelry from a lady that I had not previously spoken to and she said I had a smile that lit up a room and she would love to sit and chat to me as I was so full of life. I was so touched when I read that, it really made my day. Thanks Maureen. I would love to sit and chat to you one day also. You also sound like my kind of people.

I found out later that Granada TV came to interview the rest of the Calendar Girls at the photo shoot but as Deb and I were the first to get photographed we had been flashed and dispatched before the camera crew crew arrived. I knew nothing of their impending arrival but C'est La Vie I suppose. I hope that the other Calendar ladies enjoyed being interviewed. I know that I would have. It's not often that I get some excitement in my life.

One of my friends from the King Arms Knitters is starting photography courses so maybe I should join and be able to take better photos. If you are on Facebook she is Louise Bolla on there.This is the message that I got from her today

Basic Info
Type: Common Interest - Activities
Description: My name is Louise and I'm an experienced photography tutor.

I teach photographic skills 1-2-1 so you can get the most out of your camera and take great photos, you choose the time and the place.

As well as being a skilled photographer, I have an art background so can give you creative projects if you want to broaden your interest in photography.

I tailor the tuition to your individual needs and wants so you get the most out of your sessions.

I am also willing to take groups for a discounted rate; whatever works best for you.

Please contact me on: 07958 050 730
or email:

I also work as a photographer specialising in taking photos of artists work. This is the group:

Contact Details
Office: 07958 050 730
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom

Recent newsI have special offers at the moment:

£15 for the first session you book with me (usually £25 for an individual session).


£80 for a 4 hour (4 week) course (usually £100).

It all sounds very tempting Louise I shall have to dig in my coffers and count up the pennies.

I haven't done much knit or crochet this week as you can see. I have barely started the 4ply white knitted baby cardigan and have started a lilac crocheted baby matinee for baby Veronica in a larger size as the ones that I have made for her so far will not fit her for long. I hope to get a move on tonight as I would really like to post my parcel off to them by Saturday.

I had this message from my nephew in law asking me if I had anything to do with this knitted graffiti
I said no but maybe it was the work of other knit club members. Now let me think did any member go to Sydney on holiday this year?

Time for some dinner then I think it will be nose to the hook tonight. I just hope that I don't fall asleep as I did last night. One minute I was enjoying CSI and the next minute it was 1.30am and I was asleep with hook in hand. Sign of an old dodderer or what?


  1. There is no way that you are an old dodderer Jan. The photo shows an attractive woman with a lovely smile.

  2. That Cat (By the Hook) is pretty amazing, isn't she? I think it looks amazing and no matter what adjustments were made you ARE a lovely lady.

  3. Absoluately love the photos and you do have a lovely smile!!!!

  4. fabulous picture Jan wish they had used this shawl it is a perfect colour for you. Sorry also that ALL the models weren't interviewed , it seems a great pity as you have done so much work for the project

  5. thanks for the tip re Blissful. makes lots of sense - will see if i can make it to look properly shaped!!


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