Sunday 16 August 2009

Another Sweet Pea Shawl

When I need a shawl for a present in a hurry I always turn to the Sweet Pea Shawl from Stitch n Bitch The Happy Hooker book. It starts at it's largest width and then decreases with every row. It is a fairly easy pattern to follow despite the repetitive wrist aching triple trebles. I am using some Woolcraft DK.

The flowers are from a plant that The Knitting Noras bought for me last year after my spinal operation. When it died I put it outside in it's pot as it appeared beyond revival. Imagine my surprise this year when I realised that not only was it growing leaves again but also it was flowering once again.

I was going to try to mow the law today but although it hasn't rained it was so dull and miserable that I just didn't feel like it so I stayed indoors and started the shawl instead.

1 comment:

  1. Love that pattern. And love the lily. (If you plant it it will multiply and come up every year in even bigger bunches.)


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