Monday 29 June 2009

Woolfest - Part Two

I think that I have recovered mentally from Woolfest now but my knee still harbours a grudge.

Here are some more photos that I took at Woolfest before I put my camera away when I got too hot to be bothered. The photo of me is one that Eadaoin took whilst I was cooling down in the refreshment tent. I have shamelessly pinched it from her Flickr site! My name necklet is so that I could remember just who I was by the end of the day. I did also had a luggage label attached to my bag like Paddington Bear.

If you click on my blog title it will take you to Ambermoggies blog where she has two posts with far better photos of the stalls plus descriptions of which stall was which. Amber and Mr Mog took them before it got too crowded and before most of the stash had been bought so they are a far better representation of the stalls as they first were before they got raided by the customers.

Yesterday I was totally knackered and did not go to our monthly Knit Out at the Knitting Noras. I doubt if many of us went as we were all pretty tired out after Woolfest.

I did sit in the garden in between torrential rain and have crocheted 10 squares on a mohair sweater that I am making for Kath. I will post photos and a link to the pattern tomorrow.

The weather is gorgeous again today so I am going to drop everything and go into the garden with my crochet but first I have to collect my prescription from the doctors.


  1. Nice pics! I really need to tag along to woolfest one day.
    Love the nametag! It'll come in handy when you're older and wandering the streets in your brightly colored crochet granny square garments not knowing who you are. lol ;-)

  2. Hi Jan! The Woolfest looks like it was SO-oooo much fun, I'm wishing I was there!.. But your photos and personal testimony were certainly the next best thing! So, in a way, thanks for bringing us along!


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