Friday 1 May 2009

Shawls made from scraps

My black 4ply cardigan is languishing with one sleeve and borders still to go. I have got to the stage where I am thoroughly fed up with it and am forcing myself to do a few rows each day.

I cannot abide having loads of oddments in my stash. I can happily look at the full packs that are destined for this and that project but the bags and boxes of part balls drive me nuts. I decided to try to get rid of some of them and work them into scrap shawls. They will be individual and colourful but I am not altogether sure they will be tasteful. I am using one of Doris Chan's patterns as a basis. This is All Shawl and is a free download for those of you with Ravelry. The shawl I am working on at the moment is from Lisa's oddments from the Granny takes a trip jacket plus some of mine.

I can't go any further on my project for the calendar as I have run out of wool and I don't feel like starting another big project for myself as I know once I start then the wool for it and the other projects will arrive and I don't like having too many half finished things lying around.

Yesterday I had to do some shopping in the village and so last night and today I am racked with pain in my knee. I rang the hospital again to see if I can move my after op appointment closer than June 1st but of course I got an answerphone and no call back again. My knee cap feels loose inside and sort of detaches itself as I walk which is a strange and painful experience. Strapping it tightly means I can walk on it but leads to more pain later.

I have been invited to a christening on Sunday but whether I go or not depends on my knee. It is at the local church which normally would be a 5 min walk at the most but as I walk so slowly I might not make it. My social life is suffering badly and I feel stuck to the house these days. Sometimes I don't go out for a week.

1 comment:

  1. I like the look of your shawls. A good way of using up scraps and not wasting those leftovers. As for your knee, you should not have to put up with all the pain that is spoiling your life. Why not go back to your GP and tell him about it, so that perhaps he can get you an earlier appointment or at least give you something to control the pain. I really feel for you and wish you better soon.


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