I have been making bookmarks for the raffles. I looked on Ravelry but quickly realised after making the blue pineapple one that they are designed for very fine crochet cotton which I don't have. I then improvised my own designs but they have all turned out on the bigger side as I only had 4ply wool. They have cost me nothing as they are made from oddments and bits of ribbon that I already had so I shall just have to hope that people like them and read big books!
I have started another scarf with a ball of fine mohair and if it progresses today whilst I am out in the garden I will post a photo tomorrow.
Today I went to the farmers Market in my local town. I think I expected it to be as good as the one in Ramsbottom and whilst a lot of the stalls were as good the vegetable stall was,to me, a big disappointment. I was so looking forward to all of the varieties of vegetables that the stall in Ramsbottom has but I came away today with just some potatoes, carrots and a string of onions. They didn't have any of the different varieties like purple broccoli and purple cauliflower. All they had was a few spring greens, turnips and ordinary white cauliflowers.
I did get some lovely lamb chops and a shoulder of lamb from the same people who do Ramsbottom market and some garlic and herb cheese (good job that I love alone) so I am looking forward to my Sunday dinner. It's just a shame that I will only have carrots to go with the lamb and new potatoes.
Poppy came back through the fence again today and seems to want to be with me. She is a barker though and drives me mad with her constant barking. Slightest noise and she is wuffing away. She is 9yrs old so it's a bit late to try to change her habits now. Last night I went into the dining room and there was the black cat from 3 houses away striding around as if he owned the place.. I said to Julie my neighbour that I must be Dr Doolittle and talk to the animals as they all gravitate to my open patio door. I am supposed to be feeding next door's cat as they are away but apart from breaking up a cat howling contest early this morning I haven't seen him to feed him. This is rare as he normally is in the house by now. Perhaps Poppy is keeping him away. She has just come back in the patio door again despite Julie trying to mend all the holes in the fence and privets. I suggested that we just get a gate between us and leave it open! When I walk up the road all of the local cats and dogs come to me for a pat and a stroke as I go by. I am rubbish with babies - they cry when they see me but give me an animal and I am fine. I am the one who gets the pub cat sitting on my knee all night, despite the owners sayint that the cat doesn't like people as a rule, and the pub dog curled up under my chair.
I am off into the garden to take advantage of this glorious sunshine as it might be the only day we have for a while. My washing is dry so I might iron in the garden. Can't stay indoors on a day like today.
Love the bookmarks! Very pretty. :-)
Those are gorgeous bookmarks! You do a wonderful crochet job!
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