Wednesday 1 April 2009

Swirls Cap

This is the Swirls Cap by Sophia Kessinger. For those on Ravelry it is available as a free download. When Lisa gave me the bag with wool in to make her the Granny Takes a Trip jacket there were two balls of Rowan RYC Soft Lux in the bag. She had admired the cap that I had made for Jen some time ago from the same yarn (different colour) so I decided to make one for her.

I expected to race through the pattern as I had made it once before but for some reason my brain was not reading the pattern right and I was the queen of unravelling yesterday. I finished it off eventually but I am convinced that it isn't exactly the same as the one I made for Jen. It seems a little bigger in the crown. Lucky for me Lisa has quite a lot of hair so hopefully her hair will pad out the crown and it will look better on her than it does on me with my baby fine hair.

I am on my 12th square for the jacket. It takes me longer to work out which colours to use for each square than it does to actually crochet them. I am trying to make as many as possible without repeating the exact same colour changes.

My knee is more painful today than it has been all week. I expect I am too impatient but I really expected to be up and running about by now. I have to walk up to the village today for some food and my prescription, I didn't make it to Tesco yesterday. Luckily I always have enough things in my freezer to cover such emergencies.


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