Wednesday 22 April 2009

The second black crochet cardigan

I am still working on the 4ply black crochet cardigan in case I have time to finish it off before Saturday. As you can see from the pattern it will be the prettier of the two cardigans but I stopped work on it as it is on a 2.50 hook and 4ply Wash n wear so will take me longer to finish. I have managed to finish the back and make one front so far but there is a long way to go yet.

The finished black cardigan fits well. On reflection I think I should have tapered the sleeves but it is finished off now so I will make do with the bell sleeves.

Today was sunny for a couple of hours so I did manage to get out into the garden for a crochet. Unfortunately it went dull in the afternoon so I came in again.

My knee was very painful yesterday evening after my walk to the village for some shopping. I cannot keep staying home, I know that I have to exercise it but the pain afterwards is making me feel really down. I do hope that it starts to improve very soon.

I have to walk to the village tomorrow and will rest all Friday and just hope that my knee isn't too painful for the wedding. Days like this I wish I had never had my knee done. In many ways it is more painful than my spinal surgery was. At least I got respite from the pain when I was sitting down with that pain. This pain is continuous whether I am sitting or lying down.


  1. Your cardigan looks good and fits you well. Hoping your knee gets better soon.

  2. Love the cardigan! It looks great on you.
    I don't understand why your knee still feels so bad! I hope the doctors know what they're doing.


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